Ways to Step Up Your Coffee Game

Coffee is a necessity for getting through the day, especially if you’re a bit of a caffeine addict. But sometimes, the same cup of coffee can get quite boring, requiring a little differentiation. If you’re looking to step up your coffee game, here are a couple ways to do it!

Rely on Beans

If you’re a coffee lover, K-Cups and other machine coffees may not do it for you. For purists, coffee beans are the only way to brew an amazing cup. That said, the beans you select, and the way you store those beans, is essential to having a perfect brew, every time. Do some shopping around and try foreign roasts, or roasts that otherwise fit your unique palette. You may just find that rather than using your cup of morning to get you through the day, you’re actually looking forward to enjoying a cup, just to enjoy it.

Get Adventurous With the Method

If you typically rely on a Keurig or a Mr. Coffee and just go through the basic motions of making a cup of coffee, odds are you aren’t experimenting with anything crazy when it comes to your daily cup. However, if you’re finding that you’re bored with your current routine, invest in a new method and see if that does the trick. For example, many individuals enjoy the French Press, which makes a better, tastier cup of coffee. Conversely, you may want to try a different machine and brand than you usually use so you have options on a daily basis. Whatever the reason, don’t be afraid to mix things up!

Pre-Heat and Wet It All

Believe it or not, you don’t just need to worry about making the perfect cup of coffee, but you also need to worry about preparing to make the perfect cup of coffee. Before you even start, you should be pre-wetting your filters and pre-heating the items that the coffee will come in contact with, including your mug. Otherwise, you’re automatically changing the temperature of that perfect roast when it finally hits your mug. It’s a meticulous process that not everyone has time to go through, but if you do, you’ll be more than pleased with the results.

Use the Right Measurements

When you’re using your own beans or coffee grounds, you’re likely eyeballing the right amount and then judging the water based on how much coffee you’d like to drink that particular morning. Believe it or not, making coffee is more of a science, in which the amount of grounds and water directly impacts the taste of your coffee. So, if you’re looking for a cup that gives you everything you want out of it, pay particular attention to the directions for the specific beans you’ve selected. If it calls for a particular measurement, adhere to it. The more detailed you are here, the more you’re going to love the end result.

Get Adventurous With Creamer

Lastly, if you don’t have more time in the morning to mess around with the way you currently make your coffee, you can play with flavor in other ways, for example, with creamers and syrups. While this will definitely amplify the sugars involved in your morning cup, it will also give you more adventurous tastes to enjoy. Plus, it’s a great way to experiment with your coffee if you typically opt for a low-cost brand. Because even if that’s the case, that’s not to say you shouldn’t enjoy it!

Stepping up your coffee game is as easy as following these tips. So if you’re sick of the same old cup of joe, turn to one of these alternatives to give you plenty of energy to get through the day, whatever it may bring.

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