Remedies for Getting Rid of Phlegm and Mucus

When we get sick, an unwanted buildup of phlegm is one of the first things to show face and one of the last things to exit stage left. The thick mucus causes bothersome symptoms like an itchy throat, cough, and difficulty breathing. What’s more is that most over-the-counter medications and decongestants don’t work, providing minimal relief. However, we have good news! Here are some at-home remedies to avoid that unpleasant, elongated phlegmy experience!

Keep Your Head Elevated at Night

Use several extra pillows (or if you have an adjustable bed frame, raise the head end of your mattress) when you have a buildup of phlegm and mucus. Those extra inches will help drain the phlegm from your sinuses, reducing congestion and coughing associated with post-nasal drip.

Apply a Warm, Wet Washcloth to Your Face

Though this remedy may not relieve your problem altogether, it will provide a soothing effect. A warm, wet washcloth on your face will return moisture to your nose and throat. Plus, the steam propelling off the cloth will relieve some of the pain associated with sinus pressure.

Keep Eucalyptus Oil Handy

Eucalyptus essential oil is great for a number of things, including loosening mucus. If you have a nagging cough, holistic practitioners suggest you inhale the eucalyptus vapor through a diffuser or apply a balm containing the ingredient. Over time, your cough should dissipate along with the mucus.

Run the Humidifier

When phlegm and mucus build up, our throat and nasal passages get dryer. That’s where a cool-mist humidifier comes in. Breathe in the moisture to ease phlegm and mucus production.

Do Not Suppress a Cough

Cough suppressants may feel like they’re providing you with ease and comfort, but they actually do the opposite. Coughing is the body’s natural way of keeping phlegm and mucus out of the lungs and throat. So, over-the-counter medications only put a “Band-Aid” on the sickness; they won’t help build antibodies or eliminate the symptoms. Instead, use natural cough remedies like honey, ginger, thyme, and bromelain. You can also increase your probiotic intake, gargle with salt water, and sip plenty of hot fluids like clear broths and herbal teas.

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