8 Signs of a Healthy Relationship

Do you love to go on adventures with your significant other? Have a S/O who is always down to spend a Friday night ordering pizza and catching up on Netflix? While shared interests are always a great starting point for a relationship, a healthy relationship considers a lot of other variables. Here are eight signs that you and your boo are a great match.

You Trust Each Other

This is a big one, and it’s simple: You either trust your “person” or you don’t. And in a healthy relationship, you just do. With social media and technology at our fingertips, it can be tempting to snoop; but if you’re in a healthy relationship, you don’t need to go all Veronica Mars on the other person.

You Respect Each Other’s Likes and Dislikes

Maybe your partner is really into a certain sport, and while you couldn’t care less, you understand that you are two different people with unique interests. You don’t have to like all the same things for your relationship to be healthy; you just have to respect one another’s likes and dislikes for what they are.

You Aren’t Afraid to Speak Up

This can be tough if you generally try to avoid difficult conversations. But no matter how big or small the issue is, people in healthy relationships have the confidence and courage to bring it to light. In a healthy relationship, you feel secure enough to be open with your person.

You’re Independent (As a Team)

It’s vital that both partners have their own identities, interests, and friendships apart from the relationship. Seeing yourself as an individual also allows you to assess what you want and need from the relationship and convey that to your partner. The name of the game is “teamwork,” but to work together, you have to have a good sense of self.

You’re Kind to Each Other

Kindness always counts. Every couple will have tiffs now and then, but the key is handling these rocky moments with care and compassion.

You Know the Other Person’s Love Language

If you aren’t familiar with love languages, check out the book The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman – or take the quiz. You will discover how you and your partner give and receive love (through words of affirmation, physical touch, gifts, acts of service, or quality time), which helps you express your love in ways that work for both individuals.

You Appreciate Each Other

Appreciating your partner and what they do for you (and likewise, of course) will help you both feel loved and satisfied in the relationship. Both parties will appreciate the focus on the other’s positive traits.

You Encourage Each Other to Be Real Goal-Getters

Your dreams don’t have to align, but you should both honor and encourage each other in your endeavors.

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