Bad Breath 101

Many of us have experienced that mortifying moment when we’ve gone to speak, and an aroma so pungent escapes our mouths that we forget what we were even saying. Some people experience bad breath every now and then, while others – even those who are diligent about brushing their teeth – battle it daily. But what even causes bad breath? And how can we keep our breath fresh all the time? Is that too much to ask? Let’s take a look!


As we eat, our teeth break down food particles, increasing the number of bacteria in our mouths. This bacteria can create an unpleasant aroma. As you digest (especially potent foods like garlic, onions, or spices), the broken-down food enters your bloodstream, making its way to your lungs, which then affects your breath (and your body odor)!

Poor Dental Hygiene

If you don’t floss your teeth daily, food particles may hang out in your mouth longer than they should. Your tongue may also be the culprit. Brushing and scraping your tongue will eliminate any built-up bacteria you may be harboring there.

Dry Mouth

Think of saliva as a cleanser for your mouth, and when there isn’t any (like when you wake up or are really nervous), odor-causing substances just sit in your mouth.


Medications tend to come with a whole laundry list of side effects. One of those side effects could be dry mouth, which, as mentioned, can cause bad breath. Common medications that cause dry mouth include antidepressants, antihistamines, and decongestants.


If you’ve recently had oral surgery, you’re likely to experience bad breath as your wounds heal; tooth decay, gum disease, and mouth sores are also linked to bad breath. In addition, sinus infections, tonsil stones, and chronic inflammation in the ear, nose, and throat region can affect your breath.

How to Combat Bad Breath

Luckily, there are simple ways to deal with bad breath that will have you feeling fresh in no time!

  • Brush your teeth twice a day and floss at least once. You can opt to brush and floss more often – just don’t overdo it; brushing too much can wear down your teeth and make them vulnerable to decay.
  • If the problem lies within your gums, make an appointment with a gum specialist. Sometimes a good professional cleaning is all you need to get food particles and bacteria out of otherwise hard-to-reach areas.
  • Rinsing your mouth with a good mouthwash will leave you with fresh breath. Plus, it adds extra protection by getting rid of odor-causing bacteria.
  • Adjust your diet to avoid foods that cause bad breath, such as onions, garlic, and sugary foods.
  • Don’t forget to change out your toothbrush every few months. Be sure to buy a pack of sustainable Bamboo brushes!
  • Opt for sugar-free chewing gum after a meal instead of a mint. Many mints have sugar, which turns into acid that can wear down your teeth. On the other hand, gum stimulates saliva. And remember what we said about saliva? It’s a natural cleanser for your mouth.
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