Changing Seasons: Making It Through the Joy and Fear As We Move Forward

Even though we know it’s coming, the changing seasons can be stressful. Many of us experience some form of seasonal affective disorder, which means that as winter approaches, we start noticing changes in our mental, physical, and emotional health. But there are things you can do to make the transition a little easier. Here are some tips for making it through the changing seasons.

Take a Minute to Stretch

Many of us don’t move our bodies as much during wintertime, and the colder temperatures tend to tighten our muscles. But to get through the changing seasons, it’s important to commit to stretching every morning or evening. Whether you download a yoga app or catch some stretching videos on YouTube, get those muscles moving – your body will thank you!

Got a Hobby? Stock Up on Supplies!

Are you a baker? A reader? A painter? Whatever you like to do in your free time, ensure you have plenty of supplies for the coming months. Cooler weather and less daylight don’t mean you have to stop doing the things you love. Doing things that bring you joy will make this season more manageable.

Get Outside

We don’t mean to head out into the cold for hours, but we do recommend getting a few minutes of fresh air every day. Even a quick walk around the block can transform your mood if you’re feeling down.

One Word: Hygge (Embrace It)

Make your home the comfiest, warmest space you can. Add a few stylish throw pillows to your chairs and couch, invest in an ultra-soft blanket, burn some of your favorite candles, and visit places that make you feel good (like cafés and bookstores). Embrace anything that makes you feel safe, warm, and comforted.

Stay Connected

Surrounding yourself with a support system is never a bad idea – especially during the winter. Stay in touch with close friends and family, and make plans when possible. Just meeting up for brunch, dinner, coffee, or a movie can turn your mood around.

The Magic Duo: Water and Rest

Make sure you’re drinking lots of water and getting enough rest. Sipping from your emotional support water bottle and romanticizing your nightly routine to sleep soundly can make all the difference in your physical, mental, and emotional health.

Do you have any tips for making it through the changing seasons? Share them with us in the comments below!

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