Organizing Your Thoughts 101

If you’re like a lot of people, you’ve probably experienced having “a lot of tabs” open at once, which is a silly yet relatable way of saying you have a lot of thoughts. If you’re looking for some techniques to organize and process your ideas or otherwise calm the chaos, look no further. Here are some tips!

Why Even Bother?

Why bother organizing your thoughts? We’re glad you asked. We have no doubt that brilliant things come out of that brain of yours, but as it turns out, there are some major benefits to organizing them, including:

  • The ability to make clearer, more thought-out decisions
  • Fostering creativity
  • Improved mental health
  • Managing your cognitive load
  • Improved communication

How to Organize Your Thoughts

What works for one person may not work for another, so there is a bit of trial and error when navigating the organization process. Here are a few techniques.

Sticky Notes

All you need for this technique is a fresh stack of Post-it notes and a blank wall. Simply write down one thought per Post-it and stick it on the wall. Once you have all your ideas on the wall, you can start grouping them into sections and figuring out how to tackle them in the most efficient way possible.

Mind Map

A mind map is another way to organize your thoughts on paper. You can draw your own map or find a template online. No matter what your map looks like, the main idea of your goals should be in the middle, surrounded by related thoughts and topics.

Old-Fashioned To-Do List

You know the drill: Make a running list of your thoughts in your notes, organize them and cross them off when finished.

The Bibliophile Method

This method is akin to creating your own table of contents. It requires you to get your thoughts and ideas out and organize them logically: what comes first, what goes last, and what should fill in the middle.

Record Yourself

Gone are the days of “I had a great idea the other day but can’t remember it.” The next time you have an important thought, use your phone to record yourself saying it out loud. Play it back a few days later. Not only will you remember it, but you may gain new perspective and insight on the same idea.

A More Natural Approach

Fresh air and sunshine work wonders for your mental clarity, so if you feel like you can’t organize your thought machine, go for a brisk walk outside.

Talk to Yourself

Talking to yourself can actually be really good for you! It allows you to speak your thoughts, improves visual processing, and can help reduce anxiety.

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