Intangible Ways to Be a Good Leader

You’re probably familiar with the most common personality traits that make up great leaders. But in the interest of helping you become more successful in work, here are some surefire ways to improve your leadership style.

Schedule Weekly Check-Ins

Touching base with your employees on a regular basis is severely underrated. While pointless meetings can detract from productivity, weekly check-ins are necessary for keeping everyone on your team up to date and on the same page. During these meetings, you can discuss all pending projects, highlight upcoming projects, and talk through any pain points that can help make processes more seamless moving forward. Weekly check-ins are also great for assessing your employees’ well-being, workload, and even on areas in which you can improve as their manager.

Give Your Employees Freedom and Input

When employees feel that their opinions and ideas are respected, valued, and utilized, they are far more likely to remain with their employer. As a leader, you should allow your team members the freedom to take on tasks and provide input when they see a better way of doing something. Be sure you give your employees an effective avenue through which to voice new ideas, feedback, and process changes.

Invest in Their Personal Triumphs and Defeats

Keeping work and home life separate is standard, but as a manager, you likely have more insight into your employees’ private lives that you can use for their benefit.

For instance, if an employee takes time off for a funeral of a loved one, you could send a card or flowers and be flexible with their work schedule. Or, if an employee recently closed on a house, you could leave a celebratory bottle of Prosecco or a small housewarming gift at their desk.

The smallest gestures can mean the most, and, so long as you’re keeping things professional, it’s never a bad idea to show your employees that you understand they have a life outside of work.

Attribute Credit Where It’s Due

A big mistake managers often make is taking credit for their employees’ work. If a group project receives praise from higher-level executives, pass that feedback to your team members who helped work on the project. Always relay kudos on a job well done, as that type of feedback is inspiring and motivational to most employees.

Opt for Constructive Feedback Rather Than Criticism

Whether constructive or not, criticism is criticism, and most people don’t respond well to it. It’s one thing if you’re dealing with an employee who continually makes the same mistake, but when it’s a first-time occurrence, make sure you’re offering feedback on how to do better in the future. Always keep the tone light and optimistic rather than critical or negative.

While we all have different thoughts about what the perfect boss looks like, these intangible qualities undoubtedly contribute to strong leadership. If you take the time to implement these tips, you’ll be managing your team more effectively – and for the long haul.

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