Long-Lasting and Low-Maintenance Houseplants for Beginners

Not everyone has a natural green thumb, so if you’re a new plant parent, you may wonder which indoor plants have the longest-lasting and lowest maintenance. We are here to help you sort through the maze of choices and identify some low-maintenance, long-lasting houseplants ideal for novices!

Take Light and Space Into Account

Before you begin your plant family, note your space and lighting. Different plants require different amounts of light. Therefore, if you have a sunny setting, you may want to choose plants that do well in bright, indirect light. If your room is darker, you can select plants that thrive in the shade.

Our Best Selections for Novices

Now, let’s discuss some excellent plant choices that will liven up your space without much maintenance.

Dracaena Trifasciata: Snake Plant

Since the snake plant is nearly unbreakable, it should be at the top of your list of beginner-friendly plants. Its straight, sword-like leaves give any space a hint of contemporary elegance. The best part? It only needs occasional watering and grows well in low light.

Zamioculcas Zamiifolia: ZZ Plant

To have a green friend that will be there for you no matter what, look no further than the ZZ plant. This resistant plant can withstand low light levels and drought. Its glossy, deep green foliage will give your room a dramatic touch without asking for the same kind of drama in return.

Epipremnum Aureum: Pothos (Devil’s Ivy)

Pothos (also known as devil’s ivy) tolerates neglect, low light, and sporadic watering, and its flowing vines give shelves or hanging baskets a lovely touch. It maximizes beauty while requiring minimal work.

Chlorophytum Comosum: Spider Plant

With its gracefully curved leaves that dangle like tiny green spiders on a web, the spider plant is a popular option for novices. It is flexible and resilient and even enhances indoor air quality. Give it regular watering, put it in bright, indirect light, and observe its growth.

Aloe Barbadensis Miller: Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a great low-maintenance houseplant (in addition to being the go-to remedy for sunburns). This succulent needs bright, indirect light and little water.

Cactaceae: Cactus

Cacti are for people who desire a little bit of the desert indoors. These robust water-storing succulents come in a variety of sizes and forms. All they need is lots of sunshine and sparing water to thrive.

Spathiphyllum Spp: Peace Lily

The peace lily makes creating a peaceful environment in your house easier than ever. This graceful plant, which has delicate white blossoms, requires minimal care and does well in low light. It also drops its leaves to tell you when it’s thirsty, a terrific watering indicator.

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