How Zinc Works to Help Fight a Cold

You may have heard that products containing zinc (such as Cold-EEZE or Zicam) can reduce the duration and severity of a cold. Studies have confirmed this claim – to a point. Here, we’ve outlined some of the pros and cons of taking zinc for a cold.

What Is Zinc?

Zinc is a trace mineral that the human body needs for the immune system to function properly. It also helps with cell growth, wound healing, and the breakdown of carbohydrates. Although it is naturally found in proteins such as red meat, chicken, oysters, beans, and nuts, zinc can also be taken as a supplement. You should take Zinc with water or juice, but if you get an upset stomach, it’s better to take with meals. Adults usually take between 8-11mg per day.

Zinc can help your immune system in general, and support metabolism function. It’s also good for wound healing and sense of taste and smell.

How Zinc Works to Help Fight a Cold

The efficiency of zinc as a cold remedy is not yet fully confirmed. But studies show that taking it at the first signs of a cold can reduce its duration by stopping the replication of the rhinovirus, which is responsible for the common cold.

Downsides of Using Zinc

Although zinc may make a cold shorter and less severe, it can also have some downsides and side effects, including a metallic taste, upset stomach, and nausea. Zinc may also reduce the effectiveness of antibiotics or diuretics, which can be dangerous if they are necessary for other conditions.

Should You Use Zinc to Prevent a Cold?

If you feel a cold coming on, you may want to consider taking zinc. It is essential you take it at the first sign of the cold for it to be maximally effective.

As always, be sure to consult your doctor before taking any new medications or supplements.

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