Common Dreams and What They Are Supposed to Mean

Many people believe that dreams have meaning. In fact, Sigmund Freud wrote an entire book about interpreting dreams, describing them as “the royal road to the unconscious.” He postulated that dreams can help us better understand ourselves and our unconscious desires. With that in mind, here are some common dreams and what they might mean.


According to many dream experts, when you experience a falling dream, you may be suffering from feelings of anxiety or being insecure, unstable, or out of control. Russell Grant, author of The Illustrated Dream Dictionary, suggests that when you experience a falling dream, you are fearful about something in your life. He says these dreams might indicate that you need to take a new path in life or make an important decision.

Being Chased

Having a dream where you are being chased could suggest that you are attempting to avoid something or trying to escape. Who chases you in the dream may also be important. For example, if an animal is chasing you, it might indicate that you are hiding from emotions such as anger or passion. If your pursuer is unknown, it could mean a past trauma.

Losing Teeth

There are many interpretations for why people dream about their teeth falling out. But, in general, these dreams are thought to appear when you have stress or anxieties or feel you have lost control of your life, your assertiveness, or decisiveness.

Death or Dying

Whether you are dreaming about the death of a loved one or your own death, many dream interpreters explain this common dream to be about anxiety or fear of the unknown. However, other experts say that these dreams could simply indicate that you’re processing past events, that your life is in transition, or that you’re dealing with loss.

Being Naked in Public

If you have ever dreamed about a performance or presentation in the nude, you may be embarrassed about something in real life or be harboring feelings of guilt or inferiority. Penney Peirce, author of Dream Dictionary for Dummies, suggests that dreaming about being naked in public indicates that you are afraid of your faults or imperfections.

Taking a Test

If you have ever had a dream of taking a test, it might showcase several things, including a fear of being unprepared or having a lack of confidence.

Take It With a Grain of Salt

While there are many ways to interpret common dreams, some experts say dreams don’t have much meaning at all. Instead, they believe that they exist to help process memories or regulate emotions while you are asleep.

What do you think? Do you think your dreams are trying to tell you something? Share your thoughts in the comments below.


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