The Good and The Bad About Keto and Whole30 Diets

Aren’t trendy diets trendy for a reason? It’s true that many of the big diet crazes become popular because they bring results…but those results aren’t always long-lasting. Take a look at some of the hottest diet trends, and why you may or may not want to give them a try.

The Keto Diet

The ketogenic diet, or keto diet, sounds pretty scientific. By eating or not eating certain foods, you force your body to burn fat. On the surface, this sounds pretty perfect. And in the short term, the keto diet can help you get real and quick results.

To follow this diet, you have to limit your carbohydrate intake to less than 50g per day; ideally under 20g to be the most effective. Instead, eat healthy fats, vegetables that grow above the ground, food with high fiber, and smaller amounts of meat. Fish is a good source of protein that won’t turn to sugar. If you eat a standard diet of about 2,000 calories a day, for example, you need to eat about 165 grams of fat and 75 grams of protein daily. Be sure to check the carb count on your fruit, nuts, and dairy.

It may take a few days to a couple of weeks for your body to begin the true fat-burning mode, depending on your current lifestyle of nutrition and exercise. This diet can be used for short or long periods of time, but beware of the side effects. This diet has high cholesterol foods which can increase your risk for heart disease, and you can develop fatty deposits in your blood vessels. Both saturated and unsaturated fats are acceptable on this diet, so this is something to take into consideration. This diet is recommended for people who exercise often, as the high fat intake should be burned off. Your brain will be using the fat as ketones and your body will be using the fat as energy.


The Whole30 diet is aptly named. This diet is a 30 day diet focused on whole foods. In a country where it is so easy to eat processed foods, it gives your body a chance to reset without the commitment of a 6 month diet. The idea is to help get your body back on track and quit the cravings of the unhealthy foods you may have been eating. Another added benefit to this diet is if you have an upset stomach but can’t figure out what foods are bothering you, this diet takes out many “trigger foods” and allows you to re-introduce them slowly so you can see if you don’t feel well after eating things like dairy or soy. The premise of the Whole30 diet is cutting out foods including but not limited to; refined sugar, soy, dairy, alcohol, legumes, and grain. This diet does help people loose weight, but it is not designed for that; everyone is diferent.

When you’re on this diet, you stick to whole foods, which means food that has been processed as little as possible and is free from additives.

And yes, it does work. But keep in mind that Whole30 is a true “crash” diet. It only lasts for 30 days, and then you will slowly go back to your normal eating habits. When you do, you will probably start gaining some of the prior weight back. Crash diets are notorious for working in the short term, but failing to provide lasting effects.

Trendy Diets

There are lots of diet trends out there to experiment with for weight loss and recovering your energy levels. But not all of these diets will give you the lasting effects you desire. These diets won’t teach you how to develop healthy eating habits that can keep you healthy for a lifetime. Learning the truly healthy food groups, eating the correct portion sizes, and getting your heart rate up daily will ensure that you will be fit for years to come.

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