The Benefits of Running

Why do so many people enjoy running? Because it feels good, gets you in shape, and strengthens your muscles. Plus, a runner’s high – a euphoric state triggered by long or intense bouts of exercise – is real! In this post, we discuss some of the benefits of running and provide tips for beginning your running journey.

Sleep Better

Running for 20-30 minutes daily can improve sleep. People who exercise regularly fall asleep faster and stay asleep, reducing daytime fatigue.

Pro tip: Go for longer runs earlier in the day. The later you exercise, the less likely you are to fall asleep since your adrenaline levels, heart rate, and body temperature will be elevated. Aim to do cardio at least four hours before you hit the hay.

Optimize Brain Function

Running automatically releases endocannabinoids into the bloodstream. These biochemical substances boost brain function, improving memory, multitasking, and focus.

Good for Your Joints

Rumor has it that running too much can ruin your knees. But in fact, running increases bone mineral density, strengthening your knees and all the joints in your body.

Protect Your Immune System

Running can improve your immune system and lower your risk of upper respiratory tract infections. Prevention, prevention, prevention!

Improve Overall Muscle Strength

It’s true that running is labeled as cardio and not a strength workout. However, running also works your lower body. That means your hamstrings, glutes, and quads get stronger with every stride.

Tips for Beginner Runners

If you’re looking to get into running, check out some of these tips.

  • Start Slowly: Finishing strong is better than starting strong and burning out. Go slow and steady and allow your body to warm up so that you gradually raise your heart rate.
  • Go Slow on Hills: Hills will kick your butt, so slow down and don’t feel guilty about taking it easy. It’s better to have your heart rate under control than to overdo it.
  • Invest in Proper Shoes and Gear: Cheap footwear will not get you far, and it’ll put more stress on your body. Even though new running shoes will be more expensive, it’ll be worth it in the long run.
  • Give Yourself Time to Recover: Stretch before and after runs, and let your body relax the day after a long run if that’s what it needs. Don’t hesitate to take breaks if that’s what you need to recover and get back into the grind.
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