Post-Holiday Self-Care Tips

As we say goodbye to the hectic holiday season and greet 2021 with (cautiously) open arms, taking a moment to rid our minds and bodies of the stress that was 2020 is paramount. For many, this new year is one of spiritual healing and self-care, so as we dive into another year, here are a few post-holiday self-care tips.

Fix Your Sleep Schedule

That no man’s land between Christmas and New Year is a black hole in which some of us don’t know which way is up. All you want to do is lay on the couch and gather back the energy the holiday season stole from you. Now that you’ve (hopefully) recouped some motivation, focus on getting your sleep schedule back on track.

Your sleep routine sets the mood for the day ahead, so when it’s all wonky, you can expect your days will be as well. Whether you need to read a book to relax your mind before bed or utilize natural sleep aids to get the job done, make sure you focus on returning to a normal sleep schedule sooner rather than later, and your New Year’s resolutions will thank you for it.

Reconfigure Exercise Into Your Routine

Whatever the reason, if you blew off your workouts throughout the holiday season, there’s no better time to get back on track than the present.

Don’t wait for a specific date or day of the week. Just get started and ease yourself into the change. Remember that going from no workouts to a workout every day of the week isn’t the best way to do it. It will take time to build exercise back into your everyday schedule. Be patient and gentle with yourself. You get stronger every day you make an effort.

Get Your Nutrition Back on Track

The holiday diet, while fun, isn’t sustainable year-round, and it shouldn’t be. As we begin a new year, this is the perfect time to get your eating habits back on track. The first step? Avoid unnecessary snacking and/or drinking to cope with feelings of boredom or stress.

Transitioning from days of junk food and overeating back to a normal eating schedule isn’t easy, and you may slip up a couple of times. No big deal! Ease into the change, and soon enough, you’ll be back to your normal eating habits.

Focus on Yourself

Gift-giving, family parties, whether via zoom or in person, and endlessly thinking of others is fulfilling in the moment but can leave you exhausted and emotionally repressed when the season is over.

As the holidays shift into your rearview, drive full speed ahead into your own thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Allow yourself to feel your emotions fully. Allow yourself the time to process and work through them so you can start the year in peace, both mentally and emotionally.

We look to the year ahead for healing and self-improvement. Take this opportunity, with these post-holiday self-care tips, to make 2021 your year to succeed.

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