What to Do If You Wind Up Constipated

Constipation is no fun. It happens when your stools get backed up in your colon, causing difficult and sometimes painful bowel movements. If you’ve gone three or more days without going to the bathroom, you may be constipated. How do you make yourself regular again? We have some tips and tricks to consider.

Eat Kiwi

Prunes are typically the go-to fruit for constipation, but did you know kiwi is their long-standing rival? Kiwi is high in fiber and contains a special enzyme that breaks down protein. This results in more regular bowel movements and minimal bloating and belly pain.

Drink Warm Liquids

Drinking warm liquids can help when you’re constipated because they automatically stimulate the intestinal muscles, urging them to contract and relax. The best part about this suggestion is that you’re not limited. If you like hot coffee, pour yourself a cup. Or get the tea bags out and steep away. Or, just warm up some water and drink it straight.

Adjust Your Posture on the Toilet

Sometimes, the no-go train is due to how you sit on the toilet. You might have to adjust to a different position to get your intestines back in motion. Try squatting with the help of a short stool. You can also try raising your legs or leaning back.

Take a Laxative

Laxatives are popular OTC options for constipation, but the question is: What laxative is right for you? You’ll want to look at both laxative stimulants and osmotic laxatives. For laxative stimulants, look for medications containing bisacodyl and senna sennosides. These will squeeze the intestines and get those bowel movements working. Regarding osmotic laxatives, you’ll want options like magnesium hydroxide, polyethylene glycol, magnesium citrate, and lactulose. These help move fluids through the colon faster. If you have any questions or concerns regarding either option, contact your doctor.

Massage the Perineum

The perineum is that little stretch of skin between your vagina and anus on the outside of your body. Some medical professionals suggest pushing repeatedly on this area with your index and pointer finger, which can stimulate the pressure points that encourage your body to release stool. Hey, it’s worth a try!


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