Not Sleeping Well? Try These Techniques to Fall and Stay Asleep

Let’s be real, there’s a million-and-one reasons as to why people can’t sleep. Whether you suffer from varying levels of anxiety, or you’re simply a light sleeper who wakes up from the sound of passing cars, a restful night of sleep is something we all need right now. Luckily, there are some simple, natural ways to get you resting easy for a full eight hours.

Shut Down the Screens

One of the easiest changes you can make to sleep better is turning off all screens at least an hour before bed. The blue light omitted from your television and phone can suppress melatonin levels and make it difficult to fall asleep directly after screen use. Instead, read a book to tire your eyes and see if this gets you snoozing sooner.

A Little Extra Help

As humans, we produce melatonin naturally, but if your levels are off, taking a melatonin pill 30 minutes before bed could give you the added dose of sleepiness you need to get the rest you want. While melatonin is a natural sleep aid, read the instructions on the package before taking to ensure proper use.

Try A Humidifier

Is your bedroom dry? Are you waking up in the night feeling like you walked through a desert? This could be easily solved with the use of a humidifier. The humidifier adds moisture to the air which will not only helps you stay asleep, but it’s good for your skin, nose, and throat.

You Pick: Whales or Trains

Sounds crazy, but white noise can seriously help you slip into sleep. There’s several options on YouTube, but some favorites include whale and train sounds. Adjust the volume to your personal preference and sleep tight.

Count Backwards From 100

Visualize the numbers in your mind—really see them, and as slowly as you can, count backwards in your head. The trick is to take the pressure and anxiety off falling asleep. When you focus on something else that let’s your mind relax, sleep should come naturally.

Get Out of Bed

This may seem counterintuitive, but the tossing and turning only makes the anxiety of not sleeping worse. So, finding a calming distraction/aid to help your body and mind get to where it needs to be may be the trick. You can make some tea, take a warm bath, or try meditating. But remember, say it with me now, stay away from screens.

In the end, it’s all about trial and error. Give a few techniques a shot and see what works best for you. Remember, sleep is natural, so try and relax and let your body and brain do the work. Have a pro-tip of your own? Let us know in the comments below.

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