Get Outdoors and Exercise Safe Social Distancing

We’re asked to stay at home as much as possible to slow the spread of COVID-19, yet experts say adults need at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day and children need an hour. While staying inside is the safest place for you and others, there may be exceptions to this if you live in a spread out neighborhood. Always wear a cotton mask when you are outside, as the virus can linger in the air before it falls to the ground, and to protect others. Do not touch any surfaces outside. Here are some more ways to get outside for exercise.

Stay close to home.

You don’t have to go far to exercise in your own neighborhood, and if you have a backyard it would be best to stick to that. If you don’t, and you’d like to go for a walk or jog, be sure to stay at least 6 feet away from others.

Choose the path less traveled.

Many states have closed their parks, beaches, and rec areas. This is to prevent any crowding, so abide by it! Veer off the beaten path, and explore new places that have nobody around.

Don’t forget safety.

Always tell a family member or friend where you are going and when you will return. Go with a household family member or take your dog. Take your cell phone.

Avoid peak times

Try to avoid morning, lunchtime, and mid-to-late evening jaunts. You can expect many people to stay on their usual daily schedules, and these are popular times to exercise.

Use excellent hygiene.

Before you go out, wash your hands. Wear a mask, and carry hand sanitizer to cleanse your hands in case you accidentally touch something that isn’t disinfected. Avoid drinking from public water fountains. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Wash your hands and change your clothes when you get home.

Work out in your own backyard.

Your backyard is a great place for an outdoor stint of yoga or HIIT workout. If you want to get stronger, you don’t need weights or equipment if you try a bodyweight circuit. A few strength exercises you can do are pushups, planks, squats, lunges or superman. Look for other workouts that require little to no equipment.

Gardening can be a terrific at-home aerobic exercise. Weeding, trimming and raking can burn off about 300 calories an hour. Spading, lifting, and tilling can improve muscle tone and strength.

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