How to Determine When a Friendship Should End

Who hasn’t dealt with the comings and goings of friends? For some, friendships come to a natural end due to distance or changing interests, but for others, deciding when to walk away can be a challenge. If you find yourself on the fence about whether or not to keep your friendship alive, here are a few tips to help you decide, once and for all.

If There Are More Bad Times Than Good

One of the quickest ways to determine whether or not you should remain in a friendship is a simple analysis of the good and the bad times. Usually, certain factors will present themselves as you analyze your relationship. These factors can be anything from not getting along with your friend’s significant other to the feeling that you spend more time arguing with your friend than you do getting along with them.

This step involves quite a bit of introspection, but it’s necessary for assessing your feelings about the friendship. Are you constantly annoyed or angry with your friend? If so, it might be time to go your separate ways. Are you only occasionally on the outs with your friend and, in the rare instance that you are, able to work through any issues quickly? If so, you’re probably in a healthy friendship.

Friends are likely to disagree or argue from time to time, but it’s when those arguments outweigh the good times that you should evaluate whether or not your relationship is a good one to be in.

If It Feels One-Sided

All too often, individuals fight for a friendship that has naturally taken its course. The hardest part in ending these friendships is that you have already dedicated so much time fighting to keep it alive. These one-sided friendships can be mentally exhausting, and you deserve better.

If you think your friend has fallen into this category, pay attention to it. Are you always the one initiating plans? Do they ever reach out to you? Are you struggling with simple replies to texts?

While it’s natural for friends to see each other less often as they go about their everyday lives, if the friendship leaves you feeling constantly drained, it’s time to relieve yourself of that pressure. If they want to stay in touch, they will. And if not, it may be time to let the friendship come to its natural end.

If You Feel You’ve Outgrown It

This can be a tough one to come to terms with, but at times, people change and, at times, outgrow their friends. Maybe you moved to another state, changed jobs, or matured past a high school BFF. No matter the circumstance, these “breakups” can be the hardest.

Whatever the reason, outgrowing friendships is completely normal. It’s best to let these splits naturally occur rather than clinging to the past. So if you feel your friendship is no longer a natural fit in your life, don’t be afraid to let it go.

If It Doesn’t Bring You Happiness

Last but certainly not least, your happiness is of the utmost importance. This means that if a friendship isn’t bringing you happiness, it’s probably time to say goodbye to it.

People define “happiness” in countless ways, but the essentials tend to stay the same. You should not only enjoy the time spent with your friend, but you should also look forward to being with them, no matter how frequently or infrequently that happens.

Friendships are meant to act as a positive outlet from everyday life, where you can take a step back, and enjoy your time with those around you.

Friendships are fundamental to our growth; however, there comes a time in which we must say goodbye to people in our lives. While it’s not typical for all friendships to form lifelong bonds, some are designed to stand the test of time; nevertheless, it can be challenging to discern the difference. Either way, these tips should help you determine whether to move on, or move forward.

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