One thing most frequent surfers seem to have in common is an incredible-looking body. Riding ocean waves works a lot of different muscles, sculpts your core and burns tons of calories. And that’s great for surfers, but how about people who don’t live near the ocean, have a fear of sharks or just don’t like cold water? When you can’t ride the waves in the ocean, you can still get your body beach-ready with wave fitness.
Do the Wave
Step machines are nothing new on the exercise scene, but the wave is a new design that is quickly catching on. This is a C-shaped step device where you literally rock back and forth and front to back — the same way you would move if you were actually surfing. This exercise trend is becoming so popular, many gyms and fitness centers are hosting wave exercise classes.
You can find this board with videos here.
The wave board is fairly simple to use, and the design makes it almost impossible for you not to move and keep your muscles engaged the entire time you’re on it. With a good workout program, you can tone and tighten your thighs, hips, waist, buttocks and tummy while you burn calories through cardio fitness.
Low Maintenance Workout
All you need to join in the wave fitness trend is a wave board itself. Using just the curved board and your body, you can work out multiple muscle groups, elevate your heart and get a strong workout. Listen to ocean sounds while you work out and it can be even better than being out on the ocean because you get to stay dry.
There are many ways to use the board to get a workout, and you can invent some movements of your own. Try rocking back and forth, stepping on and off the board, performing arm pumps, lifting your knees and other motions that get you moving and keep you active. Once you get used to wave fitness, you can perform an exercise routine just about anywhere because you don’t need a lot of space.
How to Try This Trend
Ready to give a surfing-inspired workout a try? First, get yourself a curved wave board. Typically, the board will come with an instructional DVD or app with exercises and fat-burning motions to try. Because this trend is quickly catching on with fitness gurus, you can also find a lot of instructional videos and tutorials for using a curved wave board on YouTube and social media sites. Once you start looking, you will begin finding the wave fitness trend everywhere.