Beauty Treatments Bound to Be Big in 2020

There’s nothing like fashion and beauty to remind you that time is always passing us by, whether we observe it or not. Existential angst aside, keeping up with the latest beauty trends can make us feel like time is moving faster than we’re prepared for. The popularity of different beauty treatments cycle in and out, but some trends immediately take root for the long run. We’ve got a list of the beauty treatments that will burst out onto the scene in 2020. Check out these four beauty treatments that are bound to be big to stay ahead of the curve.

  1. Zero-Waste Skincare — as we all become more conscious about the impact our habits have on the planet, all our beauty treatments are going to be filtered through our growing interest in leaving as little impact as possible. That means we’ll be turning to zero-waste skincare solutions like reusable facial cloths and avoiding unnecessary packaging. Streamlining our beauty treatments to be less wasteful will be one of the most positive 2020 beauty trends.
  2. CBD Everything: As awareness of CBD continues to spread, one of the non-psychoactive ingredients in weed will become even more popular. Already being infused into everything from coffee to soap, CBD is in skincare, but hasn’t yet reached it’s full potential. CBD will become a more significant beauty treatment, particularly for irritation and redness-prone skin, as it has potent anti-inflammatory and calming properties.
  3. Anti-Aging Skincare: As we learn more about the importance of youth preventative beauty treatments, certain anti-aging products will be poised to have their moment. We’ll also begin to see this beauty trend pushed forward by influencers who are becoming interested in organic or natural anti-aging beauty treatments.
  4. Dermaplaning Facials: This beauty treatment is right on the cusp of becoming a breakout trend. We know that dermaplaning will be a big beauty trend in 2020 for a straightforward reason: it works. This beauty treatment is one of the most effective tools in the facialist’s repertoire today, using a surgical blade to gently scrape away the first few layers of skin, removing dead skin and peach fuzz to reveal glowing, smooth skin.



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