5 Hacks To Curb Cravings

Sometimes it’s hard to tell if you’re hungry or just craving something to take your boredom away. Whether you’re working on your computer or chilling on the couch watching Netflix, a snack attack is bound to hit. But before you reach for the popcorn, how do you know if that craving is real hunger or just boredom? Snacking is more common than we would like to admit, but with summer right around the corner, it’s time to stop snacking in its tracks. Here are some tips to stop eating because of boredom just in time for that summer body.

Drink Water

Staying hydrated is something we tend to neglect. Drinking a sufficient amount of water each day is essential to staying healthy, but it also can help prevent overeating. Keeping hydrated can curb hunger, making it that much easier to kill the after-dinner munchies.

Chew Longer

This one is pretty self-explanatory. Eating too quickly can lead to increased weight gain because your brain does not register the amount of food you are eating quickly enough. Eating slowly aids in better digestion, better hydration, and creates more meal satisfaction. Your brain has natural signals that kick in once your body is full, and by eating too quickly, one may miss these signals and overeat.

Plate Control

The way you plate food can have a significant impact on how much you end up consuming. One trick to fill up your plate without overdoing it on the calories is to load up on fibrous vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, and spinach. These foods will fill up your stomach without the dense caloric consequences of other food choices such as pasta, bread, and cheese. By filling up your plate with healthy foods first, there is less room for the more unhealthy choices.

Fewer Liquid Calories

Liquid calories are dangerous because they are easy to overconsume. Drinks like alcohol, fruit juice, and sodas contain a surprising amount of sugar and calories without the same sense of satiety you would get from eating equal quantities in solid form. Liquids are also easily absorbed, which does not do your waistline any favors. Keep liquid calories to a minimum.

Beauty Sleep

Set and follow a regular sleep schedule. Fatigue associated with sleep deprivation has been shown to encourage the release of appetite hormones, leading people with less sleep to choose higher-calorie foods than those their well-rested counterparts. The average adult should get recommended 7-9 hours of sleep every night.

Use these five tips to help cut down on cravings and feel full for longer!

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