What’s the Deal With Quiet Quitting?

You may have heard the phrase “quiet quitting” floating around, but what does it mean? It sounds like a fancy term for quitting your job, but it’s actually more of a rebellion. We’re here to discuss what quiet quitting entails and ways to avoid it.

What Is Quiet Quitting?

Quiet quitting refers to employees stepping back from their job responsibilities and ditching the hustler mentality. It often occurs when people feel their work-life balance is off, are experiencing burnout, or feel bored and uninspired in their jobs. Instead of going above and beyond for their employer, they commit to being “good enough” or doing the bare minimum in their position. This also refers to the idea of doing what you’re paid to do –  nothing more, nothing less.

How to Avoid Quiet Quitting

While we are all for taking charge of your work-life balance and the idea that you should be appropriately compensated for your work, there are more productive ways to assert yourself at work and get what you want out of your situation. Quiet quitting can be seen as a passive-aggressive way to “get back at” your employer, and it doesn’t resolve or improve your issues. If you really want to see changes at work, avoid quiet quitting and instead do the following:

Communicate With Your Boss

There is no shame in talking to your boss about why you feel overworked, uninspired, bored, or burnt out. But before you do, be prepared for your conversation by coming up with productive solutions.

Take Advantage of Your PTO

Some businesses don’t let PTO hours roll over. If that is the case, use them while you can. PTO days are designed to allow employees to have a work-life balance so that they can enjoy some time away from the daily grind. Don’t feel pressured to work during days you have a right to take for yourself.

Take Breaks Throughout the Day

Get up and walk around, enjoy your lunch outside or away from your desk, and get a few minutes of fresh air now and then to wake yourself up and get those creative juices flowing. You can still be a productive employee without sitting at your desk for hours at a time.

Redirect Your Energy

Redirecting your energy can be a bit of a mind game, but it simply means knowing when it’s time to adopt the “leave work at work” mentality. This could look like hitting the gym on the way home, relaxing once you get home, or turning off your work notifications after hours.

Set Boundaries

Set boundaries for your work-home life by ensuring you make time for friends, family, and yourself when you aren’t on the clock. Either pick up an old hobby or take up a new one to keep your mind off work when you aren’t there. You can also set boundaries at work by prioritizing certain tasks and giving yourself an extra day to tackle a project so you can go about it with a clear head.

Value Your Time at the Office

Whether this involves passing up a project or saying no to attending a meeting that won’t benefit you, value your time at the office by prioritizing your workload and simply saying no to things that aren’t serving you.

What are your thoughts about quiet quitting? Share them with us in the comments below!


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