Things to Do When You Can’t Fall Asleep

We’ve all been there. Whether it’s because you’re stressed about work, excited about an upcoming event, or a reason you can’t identify, there are some nights where it’s just impossible to fall asleep. If you frequently have trouble in this area, these tips may help.

Start Preparing Before Bed

Moving directly from the TV or a high-energy environment into your bed is likely not going to result in the sleep you want. So, begin the wind-down process about 30 minutes before you go to sleep. During this time, you can read, meditate, or do another quiet activity that doesn’t involve your TV, phone, or computer. Once you’ve done that, you’re more likely to be in a relaxed state and ready for sleep.

Build Stress Relief Into Your Nighttime Routine

If you get in bed feeling stressed or anxious, your mind is going to be racing, leaving you little opportunity to get the sleep you need. Building some stress relief – even if it’s just a few minutes of meditation – into your bedtime routine will help calm your mind, alleviating some of that nighttime anxiety.

Make a To-Do List

If you just can’t shake the anxiety for the day ahead, make a do-able to-do list for the morning before you get into bed. Your brain is likely running fast through things you need to do the next day so it doesn’t forget anything important. When you put it all down on paper, you’ll have relieved some of that rumination, giving your body the “okay” to fall asleep.

Pay Attention to Food and Drink

What you eat and drink can play heavily into how you sleep. For instance, if caffeine strongly affects you, and you drink it after 1 p.m., you could have difficulty falling asleep. Additionally, certain foods can cause digestive issues that may keep you awake, and too much water right before bed can disrupt your sleep if you need to go to the bathroom. Pay attention to what works for you, and adjust your diet accordingly.

There are also natural “sleepy teas” you can try, or a low dose of melatonin (under 10MG) as well. For some, just 1MG of melatonin works at night!

Take a Break

If you’re tossing and turning, don’t simply lay there in bed in frustration. Instead, get out of bed and do some quiet activities around the house like journaling or reading. Then, crawl back into bed in 20 and try again. It’s important here that you don’t use screens during your break, as blue light can mess with your circadian rhythm and worsen the issue.

Use Breathing Methods

Breathing methods, like ones used by the military or meditation gurus, are designed to relax your body. When paired with mindful relaxation of your muscles, your body will be fully ready to take on a good night’s rest in no time!

Do you have any tips for falling asleep? Share them with us in the comments below!


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