Taking On the Holidays Solo This Year? Here’s How to Not Feel Sad About It

If you’re taking on the holidays solo this year and feeling down about it, you aren’t alone. While the romantic atmosphere of the season and Lifetime movies certainly don’t help, there are some things you can do to change your way of thinking. Here are some tips for navigating the holiday season with a positive attitude.

The Season of Accepting

First things first: Accept that you’re single – and that it’s okay to be. Next step: Look at the positives, like not spending as much money or attending holiday parties surrounded by people you don’t know!

Be Realistic

During the holiday season, many of us fall victim to expectations. But remember that the holidays will never be as perfect as in the movies. The sooner you accept this, the better. Don’t let your expectations keep you from enjoying the season.

The Start of Something New

A solo holiday season calls for new traditions. Do you want to spend your evening snuggling in cozy pajamas as you eat truffles and crack open a new book? Go ahead. Or maybe you’ve decided to prepare a gourmet multi-course meal for one? Be our guest. The holidays are yours and yours alone; you can do what you want with them.

Avoid Activities That Aren’t Good For You

Is it a good idea to hit up your hometown bar and find an old ex to hook up with? Probably not. Aim for activities that give you a sense of connection, not ones that fuel those feelings of isolation.

A Time to Laugh and Set Boundaries

This is the time to practice putting yourself first. Spend time with those who make you feel loved, valued, and appreciated, and steer clear of those who don’t make you feel that way.

When You Feel Like Doing Nothing…

…Do nothing. There may be days when you only want to eat candy and watch TV. Allow yourself this time. Remember, progress is not linear.

Do you have any tips for navigating the holiday season solo? Share them with us in the comments below!

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