Is Your Dog in Pain? Here Are the Telltale Signs

One of the worst things in the world is seeing your furry friend in pain – especially when you don’t know where it’s coming from or how to help. While your dog can’t verbally tell you they are hurting, they will usually communicate it to you in other ways. Here are some telltale signs that your dog is in pain.

Decreased Appetite

Dogs love food. Think about it: The last time you poured some chow into their bowl or took out the treat bag, they likely came running. But if your dog is not interested in their food or displaying a loss of appetite, they may be experiencing pain. Other symptoms include difficulty chewing, drinking less water, and losing weight – or all three.

Mobility Issues

If your dog is injured or dealing with joint problems or arthritis, they may display abnormal mobility issues such as limping, walking slower, and a reluctance to jump, climb stairs, lay down, or get up.

Emotional Behavior

You know your dog better than anyone, so you know when they start displaying emotional behavior out of the ordinary. Watch for signs like not greeting you at the door, shying away from other animals, increased aggression, or hiding in comforting places.

Grooming Behavior

Dogs groom themselves on a semi-regular basis. But when they are in pain, they often groom themselves more than usual. If you see that your dog is excessively licking or chewing a part of their body, it’s time to visit the vet.


Dogs shake and tremble for many reasons, including excitement, old age, and anxiety. But trembling and shaking can indicate more serious issues such as pain, poisoning, pancreatitis, or kidney disease.

Other Obvious Signs Your Dog Is in Pain

Other obvious signs of pain in dogs include anxiety, agitation, vocalization, restlessness, and increased breathing rate. If your dog pal is experiencing any of these symptoms, especially concurrently or for prolonged periods, take them to see a vet as soon as possible.

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