How to Perfect Your Resume

Looking for a new job can seem like an overwhelming and daunting task. Just sitting down at your computer to revise your resume can drive most people to procrastinate looking for that dream job. Resume writing is not a simple or easy task, but it is one of the essential parts of the hiring process that you have control over. Don’t neglect your resume any longer, and try these tips for taking that dusty resume from dull to great.

The best thing you can do to supercharge your resume is to put in a little extra effort and customize the content of your resume to the job you’re applying to. By making sure the skills and highlights of your previous work experience are all relevant to your current job, you’re doing the guesswork for the hiring manager and making yourself stand out as an obvious choice for their next employee. It also shows that you understand what essential skills the job entails; another excellent quality that will make your resume stand out from the pile.

Another vital resume tip to make you stand out when your resume comes across a hiring manager’s desk—keep it simple! While it might be tempting to display your personality with multiple fonts or eye-catching colors, resist the temptation to emphasize your resume’s aesthetic and redirect that emphasis into the actual content on your resume. Sure, add a little pop of color here and there and choose a classic font consciously—just don’t go overboard and make up for what your resume lacks in content with color and design.

The next vital aspect of creating the perfect resume is to keep it on point! The hiring manager is not likely to be any more of a patient person than you are—don’t expect them to read a 3-page resume. Unless you have 50 years of experience (and then your resume should still only be two pages at most), do the work to condense your resume into something that communicates your skills, talents, and work ethic in the most concise way possible. Doing this will also help the hiring manager see that you’re not hiding behind page count or fancy language.

These resume tips will help you get started on creating the perfect resume to land your dream job!


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