Coping With Burnout

In today’s competitive society, it’s easy to get swept up into a work-comes-first mentality – even at the expense of our relationships and mental and physical health. But if you’re all work and nothing else, you may experience the all-too-common feeling of burnout. It’s important to recognize the signs of burnout to prevent or manage it. Below, we discuss some of the symptoms of burnout and ways to cope with it.

Signs of Burnout

Below are just some of the common signs of burnout. Others include reduced performance, inability to concentrate, not taking care of your basic needs, and becoming cynical.


Feeling completely depleted in energy is a big sign that you are experiencing burnout. In many cases, your internal “battery” never seems to recharge, you feel exhausted both physically and mentally, and you are unable to be present in other aspects of your life.


When you feel overwhelmed with work, drained from trying to meet expectations at work and home, and lack sleep, you are likely to become on edge and irritable. You might find yourself lashing out at family, colleagues, and even at yourself.

Isolation and Depression

If you struggle with burnout, you may find you are isolating yourself. It can feel like an added task to socialize or interact with friends and family. You often become unable and unwilling to share your needs or ask for help, and, as a result, you effectively shut down.

How to Avoid Burnout

If you’re already burned out or on the verge of burnout, you need ways to prevent and cope. Here are some ways to tackle burnout.

Set Work Boundaries

Setting boundaries at work is a must. And saying “no” is critical. You may think you need to be a “yes” person to succeed or stand out, but if you say yes to too many things, you will find yourself burning out or letting things fall between the cracks – or both. Also, be sure to schedule your breaks and actually take them; working for hours on end can contribute to brain fog and exhaustion. And, finally, another important boundary is not checking your work email during non-work hours, allowing yourself to have downtime.

Healthy Sleep Habits

Good sleep hygiene is essential for everyone: Proper sleep lets you clear your mind and recharge your body to deal with everyday tasks and health conditions. It’s also important in preventing burnout. A consistent sleep routine, a quiet, dark room, and removing electronics will help you get the sleep you need.

Exercise and Self-Care

You deserve to have time for your basic needs to be met. This includes showering, eating right, and exercising. Exercise helps your mind release endorphins that can give you a boost and clear your mind. Make sure you take care of your needs so that you can be the best version of yourself.

Have you experienced burnout? What are some steps you took to deal with it? Share your experiences with us in the comments below!


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