If You Don’t Have AC, Here’s How to Cool Down

Apparently, it’s fall; but in many parts of the country, temperatures are still pretty toasty! And the last thing you want on an unseasonably warm September day is to overheat! If you don’t have AC at home or are trying to save money by limiting your air-conditioner usage, read up on these cooldown tips!

Take a Cold Shower

There’s no better way to immediately cool down the body than taking a cold shower. Once you get out, your wet hair will keep your body at a stable temperature. If you want to feel extra cool, try using peppermint soap; the menthol will activate brain receptors, telling your body that you’re feeling something cold.

Use Ceiling Fans

Before you turn them on, set your ceiling fans to rotate counterclockwise. This trick will push the rotating air in the room straight down, providing a much-needed breeze.

Eat Cool Foods

Vegetables are mostly made up of water; water hydrates you; hydration cools the body. This means eating salads on hot, humid days is a great idea – no oven or stovetop necessary! Watermelon is another great hydrating option, while fresh mint can instantly provide a cooling sensation. And frozen treats are always great for staying comfortable.

What’s one suggestion you probably didn’t think of? Spicy foods like hot peppers. Eating hot peppers can cause you to sweat, which is nature’s way of cooling down the body. Just make sure you’re not losing too much sweat, as this can lead to dehydration.

Turn Off the Lights

Compact fluorescents and LED lights don’t pose a problem in the heat; incandescent light bulbs, however, do. This is because they produce the same amount of heat as they do light. Similarly, electronics that are not energy-efficient produce and shed heat. So if you have the lights and the TV on, the room may be warmer than usual. It’s best to turn off any lights and unplug any devices you aren’t using.

Plug In a Dehumidifier

When humidity makes an appearance, it’s time to dig out your dehumidifier to turn that moist heat into dry heat, which is much easier to deal with. Try to keep the indoor humidity under 60%. Even better if you have a unit that can automatically shut off when the humidity drops low enough in the room. You’ll be cost-efficient and cool your home at the same time.

Hang Out Downstairs

Hot air rises, and cool air settles, so experts suggest hanging out in the lower levels of your home. If you’re ok with sleeping on downstairs (or on the floor), that’s even better. Just place a light sheet below you and get comfy with some pillows. After all, the floor is the coldest part of the house.

Do you have any tips for cooling down at home? Share them with us in the comments below!

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