The Dangers of Burnout and How to Combat It

Burnout can come from many sources – the workplace, a stressful home life, or an overall busy schedule. And if you suffer from it, you’re not alone: 77% of all respondents in a Deloitte study said they experienced burnout at their current job. Burnout can impact both your mental and physical health, so it’s nothing to ignore. Here are some of the dangers of burnout and how to combat it.

How Do I Know If I’m Experiencing Burnout?

According to, symptoms of burnout include changes in appetite, trouble sleeping or over-sleeping, lowered immunity, frequent illness, headaches, muscle pain, and an overall feeling of fatigue or being drained. If you notice any of these signs and there is an explicit stressor in your life, it’s time to take action against burnout.

Is Burnout Dangerous?

Unresolved burnout can lead to anxiety disorders and depressive episodes. It can also cause physical ailments such as heart disease, cholesterol issues, type 2 diabetes, gastrointestinal issues, and respiratory problems. In addition, it can harm your career! Individuals battling burnout often withdraw from regular life. This can lead to job dissatisfaction, poor performance, absenteeism, and more.

How to Combat Burnout

Unfortunately, there is no blanket approach for beating burnout! In most cases, it will take several methods to alleviate the problem. Here are a few you can try:

Prioritize Self-Care: The most important step in combating burnout is prioritizing self-care. This is as easy as doing the things you enjoy – whether that’s soaking in a bubble bath, sipping some red wine, journaling, or visiting with friends. If you’re trying to practice self-care at work, add blocks to your schedule to remind yourself to take breaks, stretch, breathe, or even meditate.

Talk About It: Another thing that can help burnout is simply talking about it! Spilling the beans about how you feel to a trusted family member or friend may help you sort out the root of the problem. Sometimes, just getting it out can feel like a weight lifted from your shoulders. Talking it out applies in the workplace, too. Having an honest conversation with your supervisor might help you navigate these scenarios and make positive changes.

Find Balance: Having fun is another important step to regaining the satisfaction that burnout tends to steal. Be sure to balance the time you spend in stressful situations and the time where you can relax, play, and laugh. Try singing or dancing along with upbeat music, playing with pets or children, spending time with your funniest friends, or reading a new book.

Feeling a little off? Burnout might be the cause. If you suspect that this is the case, implement self-care, productive talks, and plenty of fun into your daily routine to work your way back toward wellness.

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