Why Am I Always Sick? Tips for Boosting Your Immune System

Our immune systems are designed to keep sickness at bay, but sometimes they fail – germs invade, and we get sick. It’s never a bad idea to work on strengthening your immune system. Here are some natural, science-backed ways to do so.

Exercise Regularly

We aren’t saying you need to hit the gym twice a day every day, but regular exercise can help you maintain a healthy immune system by reducing inflammation and promoting immune cell turnover. Find a form of exercise you enjoy and make it part of your daily routine.

Catch Some ZZZs

Getting enough sleep and having a strong immune system go hand in hand. Adults should aim for roughly seven hours of sleep per night. If you have trouble falling or staying asleep, try turning off screens about an hour before bed, keeping your bedroom cool and dark, and going to sleep at the same time each night.

Eat More Whole Foods and Healthy Fats; Limit Sugar

Diet is another major factor in the state of your immune system. Whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes and healthy fats such as omega-3s work together to fight illnesses. Likewise, limiting your sugar intake can decrease inflammation and lower your risk of developing issues like diabetes and obesity.

Drink Up

Drinking enough water prevents dehydration, which can cause headaches and affect your focus, mood, and digestion, among other things that leave you susceptible to illnesses. Water also supports immunity by maintaining the health of your mucous membranes, which prevent viruses and bacteria from entering your body.

Take a Chill Pill

Managing stress is easier said than done, but it can impact your overall health. Stress leads to poor sleep, poor diet choices, reduced water intake, and more that affect your immune system. It’s important to find ways to relieve stress, such as yoga, meditation, journaling, stretching, gardening, or even listening to music.


  1. Hi Claudia! Thanks for being an avid reader! We appreciate you! – Rethink Beautiful

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