What Is a Beige Flag? Breaking Down TikTok’s Latest Trend

According to Urban Dictionary, the new TikTok trend labeled “beige flag” refers to something neither good nor bad in a relationship. It may make you pause, but you can move on. It may be an odd quirk, but that doesn’t mean you have to end the connection. In this article, we’ll discuss beige flags and what they mean.

How Did the Beige Flag Begin?

Influencer Caitlin MacPhail created the term and dubbed herself “CEO of beige flags” on her TikTok platform. Initially, the trendy phrase pointed toward examples like having an opinion about pineapple pizza and referencing quotes from favorite TV shows. Now, the beige flag has taken on a life of its own.

The evolution of the viral term now goes beyond its origination, with regular beige flags (holding multiple alcoholic beverages in online dating profiles), automatic beige flags (holding a spicy margarita in online dating profiles), half-beige flags (somewhat odd pictures), and “hot girl beige” (posting too many photos just because you look good).

Should You Worry About a Person If They Show Beige Flags?

Beige flags, as previously mentioned, are not good or bad. They’re habits, traits, and behaviors unique to our individuality that some people think are weird. They’re not necessarily something you should worry about. You can keep an eye on whatever makes you go, “Hmm,” but there’s no reason to freak out. It’s not a red flag, after all.

What Are Some Examples of Beige Flags?

We mentioned pineapple on pizza and the constant quoting of your favorite show, but what are some more examples?

  • Eating the same breakfast every day.
  • Never drinking Pepsi because you prefer Coke.
  • Constantly needing a blanket no matter what the inside temperature is.
  • Taking an entire day to drink one 8-ounce cup of coffee – that you likely reheat in the microwave over and over again.
  • Labeling your parents in your phone as their full name instead of just “Mom” or “Dad.”
  • Setting timers instead of alarms to wake up in the morning.

Are Beige Flags Overkill?

Though this is an opinionated question, many agree that while you should be aware of red and green flags in a relationship, once you start naming other colored flags, you can overcomplicate things. It’s really about accepting the beige flag and letting the connection, attraction, and relationship bloom!

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