Is It Time to Break Up With A Friend? Romantic Relationships Aren’t the Only Ones That End

Friends are crucial to our mental, social, and emotional well-being. Unfortunately, not all friendships fill our cups. At times, they can deplete our energy, change our vibes, and set us off. If you’ve been feeling negative about a friendship for a while, it may be time to call it quits. Here are some signs that it may be time to “break up” with a friend.

You Are Exhausted by the Idea of Hanging Out

Dreading hangout seshes and trying to get out of plans you were reluctant to make means you don’t enjoy spending time with someone. The same applies to texts and calls. If you feel drained, anxious, or upset when their name pops up on your phone, it may be time to break up.

Your Connection Isn’t the Same

It’s natural for people to change over time: We grow and mature into different versions of ourselves. But, if the connection with a friend isn’t the same as it used to be, it may be time to pull away. If you’re seeking one type of relationship and your friend wants another, it might be a sign that you’re no longer on the same page. In such cases, it’s okay to consider moving on – at least for a while.

They Always Give Their Opinion Without You Asking

Venting sessions are normal in friendships. But sometimes, you just want someone to listen. If your friend constantly gives you unsolicited advice about your family or relationship, it may put a damper on your friendship.

They Don’t Respect Your Boundaries

Boundaries are important. So if you have a friend that constantly crosses them, it’s OK to set your own boundaries, with them. What do crossed friendship boundaries look like? Well, if you say that you feel uncomfortable doing something, and they insist you try it…boundary crossed. Whatever your boundaries are, stand firm. A true friend will never force you to cross those lines.

They Insult You Often

It’s twisted, we know, but some people enjoy insulting their friends. Even if they are “just joking,” are you supposed to laugh and sweep it under the rug? Absolutely not. If this behavior upsets you, it’s worth having a conversation. But if it gets to be too much after that, it may be time to break up with your friend.

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