How to Determine When to Make a Career Move

Changing jobs can be an anxiety-ridden experience, especially if you’re uncertain about whether it’s the right move for you. However, the “right” move often doesn’t come with flashing lights – but rather subtle signs that it’s time to go. Keep an eye out for these hints that it may be time to make a career move.

Think Through Your Options

Sometimes, wanting a change doesn’t have to mean leaving your company. In fact, many companies offer internal growth plans that allow you to transition into another role or department. For this reason, you should be thinking through your position as well as other factors that impact you daily: Do you like your company? Do you like your co-workers? Do you like your manager? Think through the specifics and determine where your current role is missing the mark to have a better idea of what you need to be happy at work.

Consider Your Feelings About Your Job

When you accept a new role, the outlook is typically optimistic. You have high hopes for the future and are excited about all you’re going to accomplish. Now that you’ve been in your position for a while, consider whether you actually enjoy your job. Did your expectations match the reality of the role? Is there anything that you dislike? Do the cons outweigh the pros? One of the most important things you can ask yourself is whether you’d still accept this role if it were offered now. If the answer is no, it may be time to re-evaluate.

You’re Thinking Level-Headed

If you’re feeling desperate for a new job, you’re more likely to accept anything that comes your way, which isn’t always a good thing. Whether you’re currently unemployed, in a role that you can’t stand, or working for a manager who doesn’t value you, making a change requires level-headed thinking, not desperation. Before making a rash decision, take a step back and think before you act. It’s better to wait for the right opportunity than take a new one that isn’t the right fit, which could leave you in the same place a month from now.

There’s No Growth Plan

If you are constantly striving for the next step, having a position where you can see growth is essential. For this reason, it may be time to leave your job if there is no growth trajectory. Talk to your manager about what’s next and, if you don’t like the answer, start considering options that will provide opportunities for career growth.

Making a career move is not something you should decide overnight. Pay attention to these signs and make a move if it feels right to you. The only wrong move is not considering one at all.

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