How to Be There for Someone Who Had a Miscarriage

You likely understand how to be there for a friend or family member when they announce their pregnancy. You congratulate them, celebrate with them, and support them throughout the process however you can. But, unfortunately, you never really feel prepared when you find out someone close to you has suffered a miscarriage. You don’t know what to say, you’re afraid you’ll say the wrong thing, and you may even decide to say nothing at all because that seems like the best option. Today, we’ll discuss a few ways you can be there for someone who has had a miscarriage.

A Simple ‘I’m So Sorry’ Goes a Long Way

No matter what stage of pregnancy the person in your life experienced their miscarriage, they will likely feel a sense of loss. You can acknowledge this by simply saying, “I’m so sorry for your loss.”

Ask How They’re Doing

We don’t mean a casual “How are you?” We mean a sincere phone or in-person conversation to find out how they are doing. Not only will it make the person feel less alone, but it can also validate their feelings.


A person who has suffered a miscarriage may want to tell their story and talk out their emotions more than once, so being the person that can sit and listen can mean a lot.

Offer to Help With Housework

Housework is likely the last thing a person wants to do when they are going through a tough time – especially when you consider the physical aspects of a miscarriage that a person may be experiencing. Lighten their household load by offering to tidy up, do laundry and/or dishes, or cook a meal.

Send a Card or Flowers

If you’re worried about calling or stopping by at a bad time, send a card or bouquet that says you’re thinking about them. This little gesture can mean a lot to someone who is grieving.

Help Them Find Support

Everybody handles loss and the grieving process differently, so if your friend or family member needs more support than you can offer, help them find it. This could be traditional therapy or talking to someone who has also suffered a miscarriage.

Understand Their Need/Desire to Be Alone

It’s not uncommon for someone who has experienced a miscarriage to want some alone time – and as their support system, it’s important to respect that.

How have you been there for someone who has had a miscarriage? Share your experience with us in the comments below.


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