Four Ways to Start Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Do you ever feel you don’t deserve the praise you receive? Do you wonder if you “got lucky,” regardless of how hard you worked to earn your success? Do you set outrageous goals that are impossible for anyone to meet? If this sounds familiar, you may be suffering from imposter syndrome, a term used to describe individuals who feel that they are not as competent as others perceive them to be. Below, we have some tips on how to manage and conquer these feelings of inadequacy.

Learn to Accept Praise

When you are having moments of self-doubt, it can be easy to minimize your accomplishments. When something becomes second nature to you, it almost feels too easy. But you have put in a lot of work to get to where you are, and you should never lose sight of that. Allow yourself to accept the praise you receive from others.

Remember It Is Okay Not to Be Perfect

Some people are perfectionists who berate themselves when they embark on new challenges and things don’t go as planned. We all have talents and skills that come easily to us. As soon as you start talking down to yourself, you can get caught up in a vicious cycle of negativity, which leads to frustration. Understand and recognize that no one is perfect.

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others 

Nothing good comes from comparing yourself to your friends, coworkers, or strangers. Doing this will only lead to feelings of inferiority and negative self-talk. Remember that how we see others is never the whole picture. You may not be aware of the obstacles a person is going through to achieve the level of success they have today.

Know You Are Not Alone

Be comforted knowing that you are not the only person who has felt defeated despite having accomplished difficult goals. Studies estimate that at least 70% of people experience imposter syndrome feelings at some point in their lives. The most successful people in the world tend to suffer from it, including corporate executives, world leaders, and celebrities.

The tips above are just four of the many ways to cope with imposter syndrome. It can take some time to break the cycle of negative thinking, but if you are determined, you can be successful. Let us know the steps you take toward being kinder to yourself, or share any tips you have in the comments below.


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