The Beginner’s Guide to Art Journaling

If you want to journal but struggle to come up with words, art journaling may be just the outlet for you. Not sure where to start? We can help! Read on for some tips!

What Is an Art Journal?

An art journal is a diary where you use art instead of words to express yourself. How you journal with art can change daily. For instance, maybe Monday is a watercolor day, but on Tuesday, you feel more like a mixed-media piece, only to turn around and use colored pencils the next day. Art journaling has no rules.

How Do I Start?

Art journaling can be anything you want. If you’re just starting, you could consider purchasing an art journal that gives daily prompts, directions, or shapes to get you started. You could also buy a blank journal and select your own prompts or just let your creativity flow on the page.

What Materials Do I Need?

The materials you’ll need to get started depend on what you want your art journal to look like. While some invest in charcoal, others may wish to dedicate an entire area of their home to art supplies. Here are supplies to consider:

  • Journal
  • Pens, markers, and colored pencils
  • Paintbrushes and paint
  • Stamps
  • Stickers
  • Ink
  • Glue gun or adhesive
  • Scrapbook paper
  • Stencils
  • Mod Podge

What Are the Benefits of Art Journaling?

  • Art journaling is a way to create something new every day – or however often you like. If you create one piece a week, that’s okay! Essentially, it serves as a creative outlet you can always have on hand.
  • Art journaling allows you to express your feelings on paper. So while you may have a bad day, you can channel this energy into something beautiful.
  • Art journaling is pressure-free. You can create a work of art every day or a weekly – or monthly – masterpiece. If you’re working with a journal that includes prompts, we recommend undated ones. Art journaling should be fun and not a chore or obligation.
  • An art journal allows you to learn about yourself, the world, the people in your life, and what you value and cherish most.

Things to Think About

What we love most about art journaling is that as long as you have the materials, you can create art using different mediums every day. Before buying your journal, consider the following:

  • Size: There is no right or wrong size for an art journal; just make sure it feels right for your art.
  • Quality: The pages of your journal should be sturdy enough for the type of art you plan on creating.
  • Binding: Spiral binding is the most common journal binding. It’s flexible, cost-efficient, and opens flat. If you want something more durable, consider a journal with sewn edges, which can take more wear and tear.

Are you an avid art journaler? Share your experience with us in the comments below!

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