Summer Vacay: Seven Ways to Stay Feeling Your Best

With its warm weather and long days, summer is the perfect time to vacation. Whether you’re jetting off on an international adventure, exploring local campgrounds, or relaxing at a beachside resort, these tips will help you manage your health and make the most of your time away from home.

Tell Your Doctor

This is especially important if you’re traveling outside the country. Depending on where you’re going, your doctor may recommend certain vaccines, tests, or medications. You’ll want to do this 4-6 weeks before embarking on your journey.

Make Time for Rest

Travel can be exhausting, particularly if you’re crossing time zones, so it’s essential to prioritize relaxation. While it may be tempting to push yourself, remember that listening to your body and resting when needed will leave you feeling refreshed and ready to enjoy your vacation to the fullest.

Wash Your Hands

When you travel, you’re exposed to a variety of germs and bacteria. To safeguard your health, it’s important to wash your hands frequently with soap and water, use hand sanitizer, and carry wet wipes to clean surfaces like doorknobs and light switches. These simple steps can go a long way in preventing illness.

Walk Whenever Possible

If you’re heading to a place within walking distance, walk there! You’ll be moving your body, getting fresh air, and soaking up some Vitamin D, all of which will make you feel good.

Eat (Mostly) Right

Hear us out: We aren’t saying you can’t indulge while on vacation (that’s part of the fun!), but healthier choices should still be made when possible. Fuel up in the morning with some yogurt or oatmeal, opt for plenty of fruits and vegetables as sides and snacks, and, of course, drink plenty of water.

Get Your RX Refills

Refill prescription medications before you leave home so you don’t have to worry about running out while you’re away. It’s also wise to bring over-the-counter meds such as ibuprofen, allergy pills, antacids, etc. Keeping them in your purse, backpack, or car will ensure they’re always in reach when needed.

Create an Itinerary

Mental health matters! Create an itinerary with your travel plans, relevant contact information, and booking and reservation confirmation numbers all in one place to stop stressing about where you need to be and when. Instead, you can let your brain slow down and enjoy your vacation.

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