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Beauty Hacks for the Not-So-Motivated Soul

You want to take care of your skin, your hair, and your overall wellness. But honestly, it’s just a lot of work. If you tend to prioritize sleep over skincare, keep reading! Here are some beauty tips that require minimal effort.

Keep Makeup Remover Where?

You get home from a night out, and you truly can’t be bothered with washing your face. But the next day, your eyes are burning from the mascara flakes, and your pores are an absolute disaster.

No shame, it happens to us all! Here’s a trick: For these rare, emergency situations, stash a pack of makeup wipes in your bedside table. What excuse do you have now? All you have to do is roll over. This isn’t a best practice, but it’s still better than sleeping in full beat.

Lip Gloss, Mascara, Let’s Go

Whether it’s a wake-up-late scenario or just a lack of desire, there are days when makeup is just a no-go. But if you need to look like a human instead of a trash monster, skip your routine and only apply mascara and a clear or natural lip gloss. If the under-eye bags are looking more like a black eye, hit them with a swipe of concealer as well.

A Slip of the Eyeliner? No Problem

Want to clean up the mess you’ve somehow made of your eyes and the surrounding areas? Coat a cotton swab in petroleum jelly or a bit of moisturizer, then rub it right off. Just don’t accidentally get it in your eye.

Grease Be Gone

The front-most pieces of our hair inevitably get greasy far before the back. Why? Because we fuss with them the most, and there’s more oil in our hands then we realize. Here’s a hack to deal with greasy bangs that is far lazier than a shower: Put all of your hair, minus the greasy parts, into a bun or pony. Then, grab your shampoo and head to the sink. You will save so much time by not having to dry and restyle your entire mane.

Style Saver

Avoid a morning of styling by preserving the previous day’s! Not sure how? The best way is to create a bun at the nape of your neck at bedtime. As long as you don’t toss and turn all night, it will still look great when you undo it in the morning.

Which of these beauty hacks will you try first? No matter the answer, they’ll save you time and hassle. Lazy beauty queens, unite!

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