Reasons Why You Should Be Getting At Least 15 Minutes of Natural Sun Exposure Everyday

Did you know that adequate sun exposure is so good for your overall health? Provided that you don’t stand directly in the sun all day without the proper protection; getting a burn that resembles a lobster doesn’t exactly put your skin and immune system on the path to well being.

But fifteen minutes once a day can greatly improve vitamin D production and strengthen and nourish your bones. The benefits don’t stop there. So keep reading to check out other advantageous effects your body can experience below. Maybe that early morning walk will start looking better.


Natural Cortisol Boost

Early mornings mean early exposure to light – and early activities to get your body moving.

If you go outside for a walk or some minor exercise routines when the sun is rising, you can actually give your body a self-made wake-up call. Cortisol levels will boost, producing a natural energy response. Talk about some natural caffeine.


Potential Weight Loss

If you’re looking to burn some extra, unnecessary fat, increase your sun exposure to about 20-30 minutes a day. According to Web MD, the sun’s rays have the capabilities to help shrink fat cells just below the skin’s surface.

Is there a catch? Many suggest getting that sun in earlier rather than later. The magic time frame is probably between 8 AM and NOON. But remember, the more sunshine you get, and the more you pair it with exercise, the greater chances you have at shedding those pounds.


Improvement in Sleep Quality

Did you know that sun exposure plays a big role in regulating your circadian rhythm, your body’s internal clock? That’s right, the sun helps you respond appropriately to the light and dark cycles in the skies so that you can rest your body and get the rejuvenation you need.

Morning sunlight also increases your melatonin levels, advertently making it easier for you to fall asleep earlier in the evening. Again, the earlier you see that big ball of yellow in the sky, the better.


Natural Mood Booster

Direct sun exposure is great at balancing the central nervous system’s important functions – including boosting serotonin levels. And what does this neurotransmitter and hormone serotonin have to do with anything?

For starters, serotonin plays a vital role in sleep and eating habits. It’s also incredibly well known for its effects on mood stabilization and overall happiness. Extra sunlight + body exposure = healthier wellbeing.


Increase in Productivity

Exposure to natural light vs. artificial light is exponentially different. The benefits of natural light are exceedingly better, and we’ll give you this last example to win you over.

Did you know that natural morning sunlight has been shown to improve focus, concentration, and productivity? If you have a busy day ahead or a lot of to-do’s on your list, getting up bright and early will definitely help you pound out those tasks.



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