Much like a breakup, a falling out with a friend is not easy – and it rarely happens overnight. Here are some tips for navigating the situation.
Know When It’s Over
It’s never easy to let go of a friend, but there are some situations where it is the best decision. For example, have you had multiple conversations about conflict or tensions in the relationship to no avail? Are you drained by this relationship or even hurt by the lack of effort on your friend’s behalf? Is the relationship toxic? Whatever the reason, you will likely know in your gut that the friendship needs to end.
Be Honest
Now isn’t the time for ghosting. You were friends with this person for a reason; you loved them and probably still do. Instead, it is best to clearly and honestly articulate why you are ending your friendship. It doesn’t have to be a long conversation, but it does have to be sincere. This conversation is ideally in person; if it can’t be, a call is your next best option.
Coping With the Loss
After you end a friendship, feeling hurt and upset about the loss is okay. Mourning the end of this relationship is natural, as you may need time to reflect and grieve before moving forward. But, on the other hand, you might feel a sense of relief and be ready to get on with your life. And you know what? It’s also totally normal to feel a bit of both.
Understand Friendships Can Be Transient
Knowing that not all friendships are meant to last forever is key. We are drawn to certain people during particular times in our life, and they don’t always fit as we grow. Understanding this is important in keeping perspective. You can appreciate what the friendship brought you and taught you while still realizing it’s time to move on.
How have you dealt with the falling out of a friendship? Share your experience with us in the comments below.