Tips on How to Wear Underwear the Right Way, Optimizing Vaginal Health

Who would’ve thought, there’s a right way and a wrong way to wear underwear?

If you put your panties on and follow the undergarment rules, you’re doing it the right way. If you go against the regulations every woman should live by, you’re doing it the wrong way… and you could end up paying for it.

So to avoid going down the wrong path, check out some of these tips to help you stay on top of your vaginal health today.

Make Sure Your Undies Are Clean by Using Skin-Sensitive Laundry Detergent

Let’s be blunt about it: Vaginas are sensitive. If not cleaned thoroughly and often enough, infection can occur. If you don’t urinate almost immediately after sex, infection can occur. So why wouldn’t your lady friend be susceptible to infection if the garments around her are not properly cleaned?

We’ll go one step further; the panties can’t just be cleaned. They have to be free of biological, smelly detergents. You know, the ones with fabric softeners and added scents. Why? Because those chemicals can be irritating and throw off your body’s natural pH. Best to avoid and stick with soaps that are designed for sensitive skin.

Buy the Size That Fits You the Best

Do not purchase a size Medium if you’re really a size Large. When it comes to underwear, no one but you really sees the tag, so trying to impress someone will be a waste of time. Not to mention, the levels of discomfort you’ll experience. But that’s not why we put it on the list of tips.

We put it here because buying the wrong size underwear can lead to restriction in airflow down under. A common side effect of restricted airflow is moisture buildup, and that can lead to mass irritation and ingrown hairs. Situations that will not put your vagina in an optimized and healthy living environment.

Determine When It’s Right to Go Commando

We know, the word commando can seem pretty scary at first. But once you give it a try, you’ll adapt and understand why it’s so freeing.

The problem with this suggestion is that you need to know when to utilize the no-underwear-wearing move. At night when it’s time for bed? Absolutely, gives your vagina maximized airflow to help push out discharge problems. While working out at the gym? Absolutely not, you could increase chafing or skin irritation problems. But then again, everyone has their own personal preferences.
Stick to Cotton Undies

Cotton is the supreme fabric for underwear selection; that’s why most brands line the crotch area with a strip of the material. As long as the breathable cloth sits right under your vagina, optimum air can get in and the correct absorption can occur.

Change Undergarments When You Feel It’s Right

Normally, women choose to take off their undies at the end of the day and put them in the laundry basket to get washed. To play devil’s advocate, you don’t have to change ‘em once a day.
You can change them every other day or more than once a day. Let us explain.

If you choose to change them every other day, only do so if there’s not a lot of discharge or sweat in the crotch region. Too much of either of these things can lead to infection. You know your body best, so make the wisest decision with the information you’re given (i.e. vaginal discharge buildup).

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