Making a Difference: Highlighting Charities We Adore

Every year, we consider causes close to our hearts and charities that deserve our support. If you’re looking for an organization to donate your time or money to this year and don’t know where to start, we are here to help. The number of worthy causes can be overwhelming, so we’ve curated a list of charities we adore.

Friends of Animals

Animal lovers, rejoice! Friends of Animals is an international animal advocacy nonprofit that aims to free animals from cruelty and exploitation worldwide. Friends of Animals advocates for wildlife protection and animal sanctuaries, and its outreach extends with several projects, including the Chimpanzee Rehabilitation Project in the River Gambia; Primarily Primates, an exotic animal sanctuary in Texas; and recovery programs in the Ferlo region of Senegal.

Cancer Care

Cancer touches everyone; many of us know someone affected, whether it’s ourselves, a family member, or a friend. Cancer Care helps people who are currently coping with a cancer diagnosis or taking care of someone who is. It offers counseling and support groups over the phone, online, and in-person; educational workshops; publications; and financial and co-payment assistance.

Population Services International

When Population Services International (PSI) began, it focused on sexual and reproductive health. It has now broadened its work by working with the public and private sectors to give people a voice and develop solutions to meet vital health needs. PSI’s goals include access to healthcare services, universal health coverage, health system design, and addressing healthcare worker shortages. This charity uses consumer insight and research to guide its work and how it can best serve its communities.

All Hands and Hearts

Natural disasters and war happen all over the world and affect communities in devastating ways. All Hands and Hearts addresses the immediate and long-term effects of such disasters. It relies heavily on volunteer-powered disaster relief efforts by enabling volunteers to provide hands-on assistance to survivors in the U.S. and abroad. Current programs include Ukraine Crisis Relief, Philippines Typhoon Relief, Mexico Earthquake Relief, Hawaii Wildfire Relief, Florida Hurricane Relief, and Brazil Flood Relief.

Partners in Health

According to Partners in Health (PIH), 50% of people worldwide lack basic access to healthcare. Noting this gap, PIH seeks to deliver health care to the world’s poorest communities, including Mexico, Sierra Leone, Peru, the Navajo Nation, Haiti, Malawi, Lesotho, Rwanda, and Kazakhstan. Its impact in the last year included 2.2 million home visits by health workers, 2.1 million women’s health checkups, and 3 million outpatient clinic visits.

Do you have a charity or nonprofit close to your heart? Share it with us in the comments below!

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