How to Tell If Your Dating Partner Is Ready for Commitment?

Dating in the real world (and virtual world, A.K.A online dating) is tough stuff these days. Just getting past the awkward initial interactions and diving into the friend/family meet and greets is a win. Nevermind solidifying the relationship with a title and commitment.

It’s scary; we know, we’ve all been there. Deciphering whether or not the person you’re dating is “all in.” Even the conversation re: “are we official” can be anxiety provoking. So we’d like to help you out in that department.

We believe, based on our research, that your dating partner is ready for a commitment to you… if they answer yes to the following questions. Proceed to read and find out!

Does They Establish Routines With You?

Routines can consist of pretty much anything. Like, do you workout together a certain number of days a week? Do you have Friday nights fully set aside as a solo date night to grab dinner and a movie? Do you try a new activity on the weekend, every single weekend?

The thing is, if you’re establishing routines as a duo, that means the relationship is pretty important. We’d say commitment is right around the corner.

Do They Express Their Feelings Openly and Honestly?

When a person is ‘falling’ for another person, it’s difficult to hide their true feelings. Emotional vulnerability comes seeping out naturally. Why? Because of trust, infatuation, and a desire for growth in the relationship.

Feelings can’t be hidden underneath bravado; you’ll know the answer to this question easily.

Do They Make Space for Your Belongings?

Oof, this is a question that if answered right, will make you feel mushy and gushy inside. The small gesture of making room in their living area for you and your stuff is prime. It screams serious relationship.

We’ll go one step further and say this: If your dating partner buys you items to make you more comfortable in their space, you’re in the clear! That means they not only want you to feel comfy, but they want to provide that comfort. Ya know, items like a toothbrush, your fav coffee, some pjs, and cozy slippers.

Do They Take a Serious Interest in the Things You Care About?

Mutual interests can align when you begin dating someone, but if he/she actively wants to engage in the things you find pleasure in, all the better.

For example, we have a friend that loves country line dancing. Very out-of-the-blue hobby to have under your belt, but she thrived in that community. When she started dating her now 2-year boyfriend, he was willing to go weekly. They still go from time to time, but life catches up to ya and it’s not #1 on their to-do list like it was in the beginning (mutual agreement).

That’s what we mean! You like rock climbing? They’ll try it out and learn. You enjoy cooking crazy meals? They jump in and help out.

Do They Communicate With You Often?

We’re talking meaningful conversations. We’re talking in depth stories about the past. We’re talking triggers, boundaries, trauma, and everything in between. All the good stuff, like passions, interests, and hobbies. Not just sex.

If so, you’re on the strong and fast road to commitment. It means he/she wants you for who you truly are.

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