The Art of Getting Up After Life Knocks You Down

Most of us have stumbled through life at one time or another. Sometimes, despite our efforts, things don’t turn out as planned. In these moments, we may be tempted to give up. But feeling like you’ve hit rock bottom can only mean one thing: There’s only one way out, and it’s up. If life has been doing you dirty, here are a few steps you can take to dust yourself off.


Being resilient doesn’t mean you don’t experience sadness, pain, or suffering; it just means you can work through it. Resilience allows you to get through anything life throws at you. Now, resilience doesn’t just happen overnight. It takes time and help from the people around you.

Setback or New Opportunity?

When something happens that we didn’t plan on, it’s easy to get frustrated and want to give up. But instead, reframe your thoughts and look at the setback as a new opportunity. For example, if you are unexpectedly laid off. Give yourself time to be upset about it, then shift your thinking: You now have the opportunity to find a better job at a company with all new people and ideas. Whatever the situation, adapt and overcome.

Give Yourself Time to Feel the Pain

No matter what’s happening, allow yourself to feel the pain and work through it.

Keep in Mind that Your Journey Is Not Linear

Nobody’s journey is linear. There will be good and bad days. The important thing is that you keep pushing forward.

Be Kind

When life gets crazy, it can bring out the worst in a person. However, it’s important to remain kind to those around you. Acknowledge the people who show up when you’re down, and treat them with love and kindness.

Map Out a Plan

It’s time to come up with a plan. Whether you’re on the hunt for a new home, job, or whatever the case may be, start brainstorming. You may want to enlist the help of a trusted friend or family member because, oftentimes, two heads are better than one.

Check Yourself

You know when we said you need to be kind to those around you? You also need to be kind to yourself. When you’re feeling hurt or defeated, it’s easy to talk to yourself negatively. Instead, start talking to yourself like you’re speaking to your best friend. The conversation sounds a little different now, huh?

Find the Silver Lining

As cliché as it sounds, there is always a silver lining. Acknowledge that you can find the best in any situation. Notice when you’re being pessimistic, and instead practice gratitude. And remember to keep cultivating good health. It’s hard to keep a healthy mind if you aren’t keeping a healthy body!

And remember – the path to success is never a straight line!

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