Mastering the Art of Staying in Touch

Are you bad at staying in touch with friends? You’re not alone. In our busy day-to-day lives, staying close to those we love can be difficult – and it takes work! If you’re struggling to stay connected with loved ones, here are some tips.

Why Staying in Touch Is So Important

Here are just a few benefits of keeping your friends close:

  • Friends make things more fun, which you know if you’ve ever had a friend accompany you while you did something you weren’t looking forward to.
  • Friends can offer unique perspectives on things and give unbiased advice.
  • Friends keep us laughing, and humor can reduce stress, strengthen the immune system, relieve pain, and help your creative juices flow.
  • We all need support, and no one can offer this like friends.

Face to Face Doesn’t Have to Mean IRL

If you’ve tried to make dinner plans but simply can’t find the time – or if you live on the other side of the world – make virtual plans. Game online together, have coffee or dinner over Skype, or binge watch your favorite show over FaceTime. Just being able to see each other’s faces makes a hangout more enjoyable and personal.

No Shame in Setting Reminders

Even the most significant events or anniversaries can slip your mind, so it’s okay if you need to use digital reminders to stay in touch with loved ones. The important part is following through and taking the time to reach out.

Schedule Time Together

Whether it’s a 20-minute phone date on Wednesday evenings, lunch every third Tuesday, or a long weekend every June, having scheduled time will give you something to look forward to. The idea is to plan in advance and make the date a priority. Let your social calendar fill up around these plans, not in place of. This way, you can ensure you have dedicated time for your loved ones amidst your busy schedule.

Just Do It

Make a conscious effort to reach out to friends or family when you think about them. Did you see a hideous shade of green that made you think of your bestie’s bedroom in high school? Drop them a line and let them know. It might feel awkward at first, but most people love hearing from old friends – even when it’s out of the blue.

Take Advantage of Snail Mail

Sending snail mail is the perfect excuse to buy pretty stationery, splurge on colorful pens, and practice your calligraphy. It’s always fun to surprise a friend with a handwritten letter, a silly card, pictures, or small gifts.

Plan a Gift Exchange

It doesn’t have to be a holiday to exchange gifts. You can theme your exchanges (such as DIY, books, thrift items, or whatever fits your friendship). If you’re meeting in person, you can meet for dinner or coffee; if you’re meeting virtually, mail each other your gifts and set a date to open them together.

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