Is It the Right Time to Change Careers? Ask Yourself These Questions

A career change can seem extremely scary and overwhelming. It’s not something to take lightly – which is why we suggest asking yourself some important questions before making a move. Below are some examples. Think through your answers; by the end, you should be able to make an informed decision.

If Failure Was Impossible, What Career Would You Be In?

Oftentimes, people decide not to pursue a career path because they fear failing. But if you made a decision based on emotion and passion alone, what would your day-to-day job look like? Answer the question, then make a benefits vs. risks pro/con list.
What Talents Do You Have?

When considering your career, it’s easy to focus on specific tasks. For instance, a bookkeeper might highlight their skills in accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll, and inventory logging. But what about the broader skills you’ve honed over time? This question helps you identify and leverage these hidden talents.

When answering this question, think about your previous positions. Make a list of your talents or skills. If you worked in fast food, customer service can be on that list. If you worked in schools, problem-solving and experience with kids can be on that list. Think it all through.

What Life Changes Will You Have to Adapt To?

Moving from one career to another is a big step, and you’ll have to make some compromises. For example, social time with friends and family may decrease, health benefits may be less appealing, financial stability may be rocky for a few months, etc. Sometimes, the idea of changing your routine can make a career move look less flattering. But if you’re okay with being temporarily uncomfortable, the move may be worth it.

Will a Career Change Affect Your Home Life?

We work to live; we do not live to work. We work to put food on the table and a roof over our heads. That money can also go to things like vacationing, materialistic goods, and making fun memories.

We tell you that to tell you this: No career path change should drastically change your home life with your significant other and children. And if it does, the family should decide as a unit whether the change is beneficial. Any concerns still need to be addressed to ensure a smooth transition.

Can You Afford a Pay Cut?

Timing is everything. Before making the jump to another career, analyze your finances thoroughly. Can you afford a pay cut and other career change conditions? Most new employees do not stop at the “top of the food chain.” So make sure you’re prepared to see paychecks change. If you can’t make ends meet, you may need to reconsider the timing of the decision.

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