How to Mend a Broken Friendship

Did something happen between you and a friend, and now you’ve gone days, maybe even weeks or months, without talking? Hey, we get it. All relationships are tricky, and that includes friendships. But just like every other relationship, you must nurture friendships to keep them going. If there’s a friendship you’re trying to repair, then you’ve come to the right place. Here are some tips for mending a broken friendship

Time to Reflect

Before you talk to your friend, think about the good times you’ve had – you can even write them down if you need to. Not only is this good for your heart and mind, but when you talk to your friend, you’ll come from a positive place of gratitude. Bringing up this list during a later conversation will encourage both parties to build empathy and create mutual understanding.

Figure Out the Best Way to Communicate

When having a difficult conversation, the best way to do so is the way that works for you. If a face-to-face conversation is too difficult to arrange, consider texting, emailing, or even mailing them a letter. There is no wrong way to do this, and you know your friend best.

Air Your Grievances

You don’t want to harp on the past, but you must also be honest about how your friend made you feel. Mending a broken friendship is about working through your feelings. Talk about the situation without being accusatory, and allow your friend to do the same.

Apologize for Your Part

Even if you don’t feel like you’re to blame, odds are, both parties played a role in the situation. Apologize to ease the pain and to show that you’ve come with a peace offering.

Don’t Get Frustrated if Your Friend Needs More Time

We all handle conflict differently, so there’s a chance your friend may need a little breathing room before you move forward. Allow them time to process and then revisit the situation. If your friend isn’t interested in repairing the relationship, you can still be proud of yourself for trying.

Be Prepared to Move On

Mending a broken friendship is all about creating peace, so if that doesn’t happen, just know you tried. And, hey, you can always leave the door open for them.

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