How to Keep Your Kitchen Smelling Fresh

What is the first thing most people notice when entering someone else’s home? If you guessed how it smells, you would be correct. This got us thinking about our kitchens – and how trash cans, cooking remnants, and mysterious leftovers in the back of the fridge are prone to foul odors. Here are some tips, tricks, and products to help you banish lingering kitchen smells for good.

Clean As You Go

Keeping your kitchen clean is a surefire way to keep it smelling fresh. Wash pots, pans, and utensils once finished with them, then dry them and put them away. Throw away scraps and clean up spills as soon as they happen. All of these instances can lead to built-up odors if not dealt with immediately.

Be Gone, Microwave Grime

Spills, boil-overs, and sticky messes are inevitable in the microwave, and they can create a nightmare of smells. That’s where the Happy Mama Microwave Cleaner ($5.99, shop here) comes to the rescue. This highly effective cleaner not only makes microwave cleaning a breeze but also leaves your kitchen smelling fresh.


If you notice a musty odor in your kitchen, it could be a sign of excess moisture. A small dehumidifier like Tabyik 42 oz. Dehumidifier ($39.98, shop here) can prevent mold, improve air quality, and remove moisture, keeping that musty smell at bay.

Simmer Down

If you’re looking for a more natural alternative to scented candles or wax cubes, consider a simmer pot made of fresh ingredients and liquid that gives off a lovely aroma.

Deodorize With Vinegar

When it comes to natural deodorizers, vinegar and baking soda are a dynamic duo. They can be used in a variety of ways to eliminate odors in your kitchen. For instance, you can make a paste with baking soda and water, leave out bowls of vinegar to absorb odors, or sprinkle baking soda over an area to neutralize smells. The best part? They are safe to use on greasy surfaces like ovens, microwaves, refrigerators, and sinks.

Grow Fresh Kitchen Herbs

Growing fresh herbs in your kitchen is an all-around win because not only can you add them to your dishes, but they also add a fresh, earthy smell to your kitchen. The most potent herbs include rosemary, lavender, thyme, lemon grass, mint, and sage.

Ventilate When Cooking

Cooking releases smoke and steam into the air. Consider a hood or exhaust fan above your range. Or, open windows to circulate some fresh air. If you already have a range hood, don’t forget to clean it regularly to prevent smells from building up.

Bye-Bye, Burnt Smell

If you accidentally burn something, make a pot of coffee to mask the smell.

Clean Your Garbage Disposal

Many people forget to clean their garbage disposals, which is understandable (it’s not like you can see what’s in there!). However, garbage disposals should be cleaned once a month to prevent bad smells from building up from deep below.

Take the Trash Out

As Taylor Swift said, “Trash takes itself out every single time.” Unfortunately, she was not talking about the trash in your kitchen! So take it out when it’s full or immediately after throwing away raw meat or rotten produce.

Make Sure Towels Are Clean

Reusable rags and dish towels must be washed regularly to prevent surface smells from festering. Leaving damp towels around can also contribute to a funky smell, so ensure they are placed somewhere they can dry completely.

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