Five Foods That Can Slow Down Your Metabolism

You go to the gym. You maintain a healthy diet. You meditate. You get eight hours of sleep each night. You’re doing everything right… So why aren’t you losing weight? The answer to that question is probably your metabolism.

Your metabolism is responsible for converting the food you eat into a source of energy for your body. If your metabolism is slow, you will burn fewer calories. But don’t worry; one way to speed up your metabolism is by avoiding foods that naturally inhibit it. Here, we’ll discuss some common foods known to slow down metabolism.


We’ll stump you with the first suggestion: granola. Although granola is often promoted as a health food, certain types can slow down your metabolism. Why? Because many granola varieties are high in calories, fat, and sugar. Unfortunately, this can spike your blood sugar and make you feel hungrier. You don’t need to give up granola altogether, but it’s best to look for kinds made with whole grains and nuts and avoid those with added sugar and oils.

Diet Soda

Diet soda is bad for metabolisms. The artificial sweeteners inside diet sodas change gut bacteria, causing blood sugar to spike and increasing your risk for diabetes and obesity. Instead of diet soda, drink more water, which improves your metabolism and makes you feel full.


We probably don’t have to tell you this, but a friendly reminder won’t hurt. Alcohol not only slows down your metabolism, but it also contains empty calories. When alcohol is consumed, your body immediately starts processing it as fuel. That means everything else in your stomach (like tonight’s dinner) is at a standstill, and your metabolism won’t pick up on it until much later. Unfortunately, this means that much of the food lying around will be stored as fat.

“Healthy” Snacks

Chips, pretzels, and crackers marketed as “healthy” are often made with processed vegetable oils and contain a ton of sodium and empty starches. Some also have high amounts of trans fat, leading to numerous health problems. Avoid clever marketing schemes at all costs. You don’t want the empty calories to pack on the pounds. Instead, reach for delicious and healthier alternatives, like apples and peanut butter.

Refined Starches

When it comes to metabolism, you must know one sacred rule: Not all carbs are created equal. That means a slice of white bread is not the same as a whole grain – your body processes them differently. A good rule of thumb: the more fiber, the better. Swap refined starches for whole-grain versions and sugary sweets for fresh fruit.

Improve Your Metabolism with Lumen

The Lumen Metabolism Tracker ($299 + $19 monthly membership, shop here) is a handheld device that helps you identify your metabolic flexibility (your body’s ability to shift between using fats and carbs for energy). Simply breathe into Lumen every morning to discover the source of your body’s fuel. The device will then provide personalized nutrition recommendations to help you maximize your metabolic health.

  1. yes this is for my 16 year old her metabolism is speeding but she doesn’t eatr right

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