Cardio-Related Exercises That Don’t Include Walking or Running

Cardio is great for heart health and fitness. But what if you find walking and running completely and utterly boring? That’s totally fine! Here are some cardio exercises that don’t require either!

Jump Rope

(image via self via zhph production/adobe stock)

Jumping rope is an easy cardio activity you can do almost anywhere, as long as you have space above your head. Jumping rope can be considered a HIIT exercise, and it burns a ton of calories in just 10 minutes – possibly even more than a 30-minute jog.


(image via daily burn via pond5)

Rowing can kick muscles into gear that you didn’t even know existed! Be sure to do the motion right to reap all the benefits. Push with all your might through your legs down to your feet and spring back, and always hinge forward at your hips. Note that your arms should be the last part of your body to move. Repeat the process until you get a rhythm in place.


Just like rowing, swimming engages almost every muscle in your body. It’s also low-impact, which is great for your joints. Plus, it spikes the heart rate just enough to enter fat-burning mode.


(image via very well fit via getty images)

Crank up the music and get down with the rhythm! Zumba will work up a sweat, burn calories and fat, and give you your daily dose of cardio. It’s also a fun, social workout you can do with friends – and where you can make new ones!


(image via self via thomas barwick/getty images)

Pilates is another low-impact cardio-related exercise known for its slow movements that can improve posture, decrease the risk of injury, and increase core strength. The best part is that you can do Pilates at home in a Zen environment or attend a class with friends.

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