Being a Confident Introvert 101

As an introvert, the world can feel very extrovert-driven. It seems like everyone expects you to be outgoing and love being around others, which can feel very isolating and intimidating. No one expects you to change your entire personality, but as an introvert, you can still be confident. Here are a few tips!

What Is an Introvert?

Introverts tend to find alone time energizing. They do better in quiet environments and show some reservations in large social settings. Introverts also try to avoid conflict, they work better independently, avoid the spotlight, and deeply feel emotions on a regular basis.

Make Time for Your Passions

It’s time to find your passion. It could be hiking, crocheting, reading, pottery, or gardening, but whatever it is, make time for it. Not only do introverts find their passions relaxing, but they also double as major confidence boosters.

Start Small

There’s no secret to becoming a confident introvert overnight. It doesn’t entail heading to a busy nightclub or speaking to a room full of people. Instead, becoming a confident introvert means taking small steps and mastering each one. Organize a small dinner party for your closest friends, start a book club, or organize a coffee date with an old friend. This is called progress and should be celebrated – no matter how seemingly insignificant.

Note Your Strengths

Introverts have many strengths that may be overlooked. For example, introverts tend to be team players, are excellent at time management and planning, and are curious, creative, and resilient, all of which are wonderful traits, so remind yourself of this often.

Keep an Eye on Your Social Battery

Many introverts can get exhausted during large social engagements, so be attentive to your social battery and act accordingly. It also doesn’t hurt to steer clear of people or situations that drain your energy and confidence.

Talk Yourself Down (or Up!)

Let’s be real: Most of the time, we’re our own worst critics. When you feel overwhelmed or uncomfortable, give yourself a pep talk to remind yourself that everyone is so caught up in their own agenda that they don’t even care what you’re doing. Tell yourself you are perfectly capable of working the room and add a subtle “you’ve got this” to yourself in the mirror.

Do you have any tips for being a confident introvert? Share them with us in the comments below!

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